8 Verbs to Use for the Word heare

Go, Iris, go and my commandment take And beate against the doores till sleepe awake: Bid him from me in vision to appeare Vnto Ascanio, that lieth slumbring heare,

4ly being spoken to about triall by swiming, she sagd the diuill that caused me to com heare can keep me up.

And in the sad irony of fate, the broad stone that covered his tombnow an object of veneration to the thousands that yearly visit the little churchwas inscribed as follows: Good friend, for Jesus' sake forbeare To dig the dust enclosed heare; Bleste be the man that spares these stones, And curst be he that moves my bones.

Hence Stigmaticks, you shall not harbor heare, To practice execrable butcheries!

Who of the Grecian Libbard* now ought heares, That over-ran the East with greedie powre, And left his whelps their kingdomes to devoure?

With that she raynd such store of streaming teares, That could have made a stonie heart to weep; 110 And all her sisters rent* their golden heares, And their faire faces with salt humour steep.

Sir Thomas Wyat rhymes heares and hairs; Sir Walter Raleigh, teares and despairs; Chapman, tear (verb) with ear and appear; Shakspeare, ear with hair and fear, tears with hairs, and sea with play; Bishop Hall, years with rehearse and expires, and meales with quailes.

He speaks heare of a rynge, a wytchcraft rynge, By which I was inchaunted to hys syster.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  heare