200 Verbs to Use for the Word helps

Does Mother still need my help?

Well, if you want any help with your engines or anything of the sort, call on me.

Whenever a letter came asking for money, she had the case investigated, and if the story was true, gave practical help at once.

"We've seen the uselessness of asking help from outside.

He was fortunate enough, through the dread power of the three Honored Ones, to receive help and protection in his perils; and therefore he wrote out an account of his experiences, that worthy readers might share with him in what he had heard and said.

Miss Maufe gave herself and her income for about twelve years, but difficulties created by the war, the impossibility of finding efficient help and consequent drain upon her own strength have forced her to close her little school, to the grief of the mothers in 48 Ruskin Buildings.

But in the middle of this great song there came again another sound to her ear,a sound which pierced through the music like lightning through the sky, though it was but the cry of one distraught and fainting; a cry out of the depths not even seeking help, a cry of distress too terrible to be borne.

He came up to offer his help, and to express his sorrow at the accident, which he said, doubtless with truth, was not his fault.

It brings help to those who recite it fervently.

His clothes became threadbare, his boots worn out, his general appearance dilapidated; but he got help from a few good people, who saw the hero beneath his rags.

We can do no more until you send us help.

Charity had to render help.

Also from some lexicons you may obtain still further help.

The selfish and lazy girl, who refuses help and whose work is unfaithful and only done for reward, has her reward.

"I have come a long way," said the little man at once, speaking in the rather rounded French of the Italian born, "and have left Rome at a time when the Church requires the help of even the humblest of her servantsI hope our good Mon has something important and really effective this time to communicate.

"Well, if you an' Jacob feel like havin' a look around, I'll ask the commandant's permission to do a little scoutin' on our own account, agreein', in case we're laid by the heels, not to expect any help from this 'ere garrison.

I said, I think, that I was promised help.

European women and families, with all European non-combatants, were removed into the barracks, and General Wheeler actually accepted from Nana the help of two hundred Mahrattas and two guns to guard the treasury.

"Aunt Amy's just as likely as not to lose what little bit of head she has and hired help are broken reeds.

At the beginning of the time for seeding and harvesting religious ceremonies were performed to implore the help of their deities; in June for a bountiful harvest, in September for a rich vintage, and in December for the seeding....

That others, equally obliged by treaty and by interest to lend their help on this occasion, sit reluctive, either through cowardice or negligence, or some prospect of temporary advantage, may, perhaps, be true; but is it any excuse of a crime, that he who commits it is not the only criminal?

The intelligence they brought, and the seasonable refreshment they bore to the sick, were joyfully welcomed by the whole community; and the spirits of the settlers rose at the prospect of securing Indian friends and allies, who might, under their present distressing circumstances, afford them such essential help and security.

At the thought she turned hesitatingly toward the door, meaning to get her hat, andthough she had formulated no method of appealto hurry to the Hardwick house and at least talk with Miss Sessions and endeavour to enlist her help.

Miss Stokes of the Somers Town Nursery School secured a country holiday for her little ones in various ways, partly through the Children's Country Holiday Fund, but since the war she has been unable to secure help of that kind, and has managed to take the children away to a country cottage.

Indeed, a number proved a help when the youngsters grew old enough to go out to work.

200 Verbs to Use for the Word  helps