14 Verbs to Use for the Word hem

Near him she stole, rank after rank; She feared approach too loud; She touched his garment's hem, and shrank Back in the sheltering crowd.

Ah, yet had one good soldier of the skies Burst through the wrack reporting news of them, How had we run and kissed his garment's hem!

And thenat last"Madame Delphine ceased speaking, but went on diligently with her agitated fingers, turning down foolish hems lengthwise of her lap.

" Miss Lavinia uttered a dignified "hem," and passed her handkerchief solemnly over her lips.

As the gentlemen approached the stockade, the captain gave a loud hem, and clapped his hands.

Molly asked me the other day, whether Ireland was in France, and was ordered by her mother to mend her hem.

" He bowed very low, until his hand could reach the hem of her kirtle, which he then raised to his lips.

Talk to him whilst he is reading any other part of the paper, and he will break off, and join you; but when reading this, he can only spare you an occasional "hem," or "indeed"his eyes still riveted to the column.

For the Pissemyres wole suffren bestes to gon and pasturen amonges hem; but no man in no wyse.

De night gowns war made on er yoke aufull full en big long sleeves wid a cuff at de hand en a deep hem at de bottom of de gown, dese gowns war made of domestic en wen dey war washed en starched en ironed dey wur be so stiff dey could stand erlone."

I sprang forward and, stooping down, caught up the hem of her dress.

The prisoners they take are fettered in gold; and as for rubies and diamonds, they goe forth on holydayes and gather 'hem by the seashore to hang on their children's coates."

God was their God as well as ourstheir Creator, their Preserver, who left not Himself without witness among them; who, as they blindly felt after Him, suffered their groping hands to grasp the hem of His robe; who sent them rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling their hearts with joy and gladness.

Now the stream laps my vesture hem; Back thou from my sad bosom to the world, Leaving me here this current cold to stem; Soon from thy sight shall I be swiftly whirl'd Into the mystic darknessnever fear!

14 Verbs to Use for the Word  hem