9 Verbs to Use for the Word hiatuses

We purpose remedying the defect, supplying the necessary criticism, and filling up the hiatus.

The scene might be entirely omitted without leaving a perceptible hiatus in the action; yet who does not feel that this brief respite lends gathered impetus to the main action when it is resumed?

Venice knew no hiatus in rule; all were leaders to point the way of that inviolable constitution when the supreme voice was temporarily silent, for it was the voice of an impersonal prince, and not of the manwho had absolutely put off individuality when he assumed the insignia of royalty.

It may seem fantastic to conceive that any dramatist could blunder so grossly; but there are not a few plays in which we observe a scarcely less glaring hiatus.

Some time ago Stiefel pointed out a considerable hiatus at this point in Rossi's account, and mentioned certain works which might be expected to fill it.

The food propaganda reflects the hiatus in Adam's thought.

Furthermore, great care should be taken to avoid hiatus between words, as when the first word ends and the word following begins with a vowel.

We will not ask any Chronique Scandaleuse, of which there are plenty, to supply any hiatus in the dramatis personae of her life.

[Footnote 1: These dots do not indicate any hiatus.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  hiatuses