57 Verbs to Use for the Word human

Slaves are recognized not merely as property, but also as personsas having a mixed characteras combining the human with the brutal.

Of course; such is the power that Slavery gives one human being over another.

Love, then, is the bond which unites the human with the divine.

but a name, typifying the restless principle which impels poor humans to seek perfection in union?

They hounded him, they hammered him forsooth; Because he blended human with divine, They branded him "the bard of women and of wine.

If the human don't understand the horse the horse won't trust the human and where there ain't trust there's fear and where there's fear there's hate.

It was as though a plague had killed every human being save those who had fled in frantic haste.

Among the outstanding results of the great revolution, improvement in communication and transportation have brought humans into contact with one another on an increasingly extensive scale, reaching its high water mark in planet-wide networks of trade, travel, migration and diplomacy, leading up to the One World which was so much in the foreground of public discussions between the two general wars of 1914 and 1939.

The animal life that stretches in an expanse so wide between the Creator and His best work can not connect the human and the divine.

"We'll have to consult the humans; there is no alternative.

Devil from hell, or some crazed human against whom I must battle for life?

Those who have never felt the need of the divine, entering by the channel of will and choice and prayer, for the upholding, purifying, and glorifying of that which itself first created human, will consider this poem untrue, having its origin in religious affectation.

From this there arise, in the first place, physical impediments which, during the best part of the female life, are absolutely insurmountable, except at a sacrifice of almost everything that distinguishes the civilized human from the animal, or beastly, and savage state.

The Tahitians had no record of ever having eaten humans.

Part of this energy enabled humans to survive, another part enabled them to multiply.

Such lives as that of JAMES POWELL are not too common in human history, but they show us how the divine can endue the human with its own power, and how God can make souls great witnesses for God.

" "They you speak of are above the clouds," said Telemachus, "and are sound aids indeed; as powers that not only exceed human, but bear the chiefest sway among the gods themselves.

It has become my duty, however, to record the fact, that the most favored of all countries when they sail into the society of the fair daughters of sunny Italy cast a shadow about them, as we may fancy any human would when coming into the company of the beautiful angels of a heavenly Paradise.

It is strange that any should dispute the right of the Romans to feel their human, as well as their Hellenic, sympathies revolted at the outrageous treatment of the Cians and Thasians.

And if you cannot find a human without a soul you will one day die, and your soul cannot go to Paradise, because it was only made in the marshes.'

He ain't got no human in him.

It was told about in the Redoubt that they would harm no human, if but the human did keep a fair distance from them; but that it were wise never to come close upon one.

"O-ho, hear the human! Doesn't know usnever got scolded on our account, did he, did he?

Within narrow limits, almost all members of the human family want to live and to help other humans to do likewise.

I do wish you would endeavor to impersonate a human being a trifle more convincingly"

57 Verbs to Use for the Word  human