8 Verbs to Use for the Word hurrah

But after a minute or two he recovered his breath, uttered a loud hurrah of delight, and then gave vent to his feelings by exuberantly kissing his mother and sisters.

"Cry hurrah for papa!" said she to the baby; "cry hurrah for papa!"

One of them spoke Englishit was astonishing how many people could speak our mother tongueand while he was having his wounds dressed he exclaimed: 'I can shout Hip-hip-hurrah for England now.'

When the adventurers realized their triumph they rose to their feet and gave nine hurrahs.

" The young men flung up their arms in the air and raised a hurrah.

When I heard this I could no longer restrain a hurrah of exultation.

We passed close to Fort Pinckney, our volunteers exchanging hurrahs with the garrison.

"Don't you hear the rattle of the anchor chains?" "Gentlemen, as we're forbidden to make too much racket," proposed irrepressible Dan, "let us give three silent cheers for Old England!" Rising in his place, Dan raised his hand aloft, and brought it down, as his lips silently formed a "hurrah!"

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  hurrah