155 Verbs to Use for the Word i

I 'blige' to tell 'im!" "Madame Delphine" "Oh!

Where is it?" Rupert didn't answer 'im, but arter they 'ad gone 'ome he told George that he 'ad 'ad enough of acting and he should go.

Put a bishop in my clothes, and you'd ask 'im to 'ave a 'arf-pint as soon as you would mesooner, p'r'aps.

' "I patted 'im on the shoulder arter we 'ad shook 'ands, and we stood there smiling at each other and paying each other compliments.

"'You go and fetch 'im, I ses. ''

Be it soon or late I s'all find 'im.

'You'll 'ave as much chance of it as ever you had. Hit 'im!

He said: "I've brought 'im to ye fra the edge o' daith.

"Mr. Burnham," he whispered, "isis he alive?" "Yes, lad; they've took 'im to the office; the doctor's in wi' 'im. Did ye fin' the air bad?"

"It'll do thator kill 'im!" Several times that night Kazan heard Gray Wolf's call.

"He caught 'im up just as he 'ad undone the front door, and, catching hold of 'im by the back o' the neck, shook 'im till 'e was tired.

] I remember one man who used to think I couldn't do wrong; everything I did was right to 'im; and now if I pass 'im in the street he makes a face as if he'd got a hair in 'is mouth.

Now I've given 'im thethe shlip, 'stead o''stead o' giving 'im fourpence.

Arter a time I saw it was no good trying to persuade 'im, and I pretended to give way.

" "Emma knows 'im," ses Ted, "and I know she don't think much of 'im.

H'it's a rich land, an' now we're 'ere we'd make our fortunes if that daffy doctor wasn't 'eaded straight fer the Pole, an' nobody 'ere to stop 'im." "What do you make of it?"

[Illustration:"Bob Pretty lifted 'is foot and caught Joseph one behind that surprised 'im."] "Bob Pretty lifted 'is foot and caught Joseph one behind that surprised 'im.

She wuz lookin' kinder down in de mouf, fer she thought a heap er Ben, an' wuz monst'us sorry ter lose 'im, w'iles at de same time she wuz glad he wuz free, fer she 'lowed he'd done got ter de Norf long befo.'

He 'adn't been gone five seconds afore she missed 'im, and I never see anybody so upset in all my life.

Two seconds arter Ted Denver followed 'im, and that is last he ever saw of Charlie Brice, he was running down the road without 'is hat as hard as he could run.

"Then sing with joy ye Khau-ik-i!

" Old Sam looked as though he'd like to eat 'im, especially as he noticed Mrs. Finch listening and pretending not to.

Leastways, he would 'ave kicked 'im, but the chap was too quick for 'im.

If I'd said the letter was meant for 'im he'd 'ave asked me wot I meant by opening it and getting 'im into more trouble with 'is missis, instead of giving it to 'im on the quiet.

He said 'e thought you might be offended with 'im. "Give my love to old Roley-Poley, and tell him I don't trust 'im," he ses.'

155 Verbs to Use for the Word  i