125 Verbs to Use for the Word identities

There were no letters, no papers, no written documents of any kind in the pockets, the remainder of whose contents consisted of such odds and ends as any man might carry about with hima cheap watch, a pen-knife, a half-empty packet of French tobacco, a sheaf of cigarette paper, four or five keys on a ring, a silk handkerchief, and perhaps some other articles which I have forgottenbut not a thing to assist in establishing his identity.

"In the meantime," said Uncle John, "I'm going to make an effort to discover his identity.

"Sir!" said Mr. P., with that delicate consideration for which he is so noted, "why do you pull your hat down over your eyes, and what is your object in thus concealing your identity?

When I got home my wife didn't know me, and I could only prove my identity by carefully scraping my feet, hanging up my hat, and otherwise exhibiting the results of her superior disciplinary powers.

I pray you, my friends, pledge me on your oaths as gentlemen never to reveal my identity, while she or I shall live.

Blackstone says, and what he says every lawyer will concede is the end of the law, and the beginning too, for that matter, that when a woman becomes a wife, she loses her identity, becomes nobody; that her husband absorbs her existence, as it were, as he does her goods and chattels, in his own.

The same is true of the Druses, another remnant of an earlier stock, which has preserved its identity under the guise of Islam so heretically conceived as to rank as an independent religion.

"Yes," he agreed, "and I'm scared to deathI have been ever since I began to suspect his identity.

The more "content" he gives to Divine personality, the more he is in-danger of denying identity of nature and operation; as appears later.

When the smoke of a big ship was seen on the horizon the Amphion gave chase, firing a warning shot as it drew near the vessel, which at once made known its identity as the Harwich boat St. Petersburg, carrying Prince Lichnowsky, the German ambassador, to the Hook of Holland.

Jones, especially, as the central figure, could not be mistaken and no one who looked upon the picture could doubt his identity.

With the dramatic skill of which he was a master, he laid bare the whole story and disclosed the true identity of Raoul Lagors.

It was a flimsy, faintly-ruled sheet from a cheap writing-pad, blotted and soiled, and covered with sprawling letters which had been roughly printed at irregular intervals as though to hide the identity of the writer.

Further along, his eye lighted on a young girl's bonnet, exquisite in colour and nicety of material, but crushed out of all shape and only betraying its identity by its dangling strings.

Never for a moment had he suggested the lady's identity; for all that had passed neither of them might have known it.

"I'm only hoping," Roland, as we must call him after this, since he dropped the Grimes family when he admitted his identity, said, "this will teach him a lesson, and that he'll leave me alone from now on.

He no longer minded her having lied about the jeweller; what pained him was that she had been unconscious of the wound she inflicted in destroying the identity of the jewels.

This most injudicious step only increased their discomfiture, as the unknown writer not only refused to proclaim his identity, but published and circulated the challenges, together with a further attack on Lockhart and Wilson.

In all cases of disguise or of changing disguise it was essential that the decoy ship should assume the identity of some class of vessel likely to be met with in the particular area in which she was working, and obviously the courses steered were chosen with that object in view.

If, unlike the separate provinces of Canada and South Africa, the German States would not voluntarily sink their identity in a larger whole, unity could only come through their acceptance of the supremacy of one of the existing States.

Give me your words to remain quiet here until then, in the meantime not trying to learn my identity, and you shall all go with me.

The writer of these modest but thrilling records veils his identity under the technical nom de guerre of "CONTACT."

When it is borne in mind that the buttons are hooked on, one can imagine how simple it is to transform and change identity.

Each particular proposition concerning identity or diversity is as clearly and certainly known in itself, if attended to, as either of these general ones:

Here the flint had the same meaning which I have already pointed out in Algonkin myth, and we find, therefore, an absolute identity of mythological conception and symbolism between the two nations.

125 Verbs to Use for the Word  identities