6 Verbs to Use for the Word immolations

She accepted her dreary immolation in the convent, since she obeyed Abélard both as husband and as a spiritual father; but she would have left the convent and rejoined him had he demanded it, for marriage was to her more sacred than the veil.

It is never with a light heart that man or woman attends his or her own immolation.

The Cosa di Cosimoper il piacere di Cosimo! as time-serving, unfatherlike Messer Luigi degli Albizzi called the immolation of his fair young daughter, had become the Bride of Christ!

'Your behaviour vastly resembles that of butchers,' he said, 'and you commence your immolations pretty early in the morning.'

During these moments, part of the house adjoining mine fell with a terrible crash, and the street was filled with a cloud of dust, out of which emerged a man distorted with horror, but who had almost miraculously escaped immolation, without any other hurt than what his fright had occasioned.

To begin with suicide, let me state that I confine my observations only to seppuku or kappuku, popularly known as hara-kiriwhich means self-immolation by disembowelment.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  immolations