109 Verbs to Use for the Word import

That is a cry of alarm, a note of danger, and every frog within hearing understands its import.

The circumstances under which Mr. Sérurier's note was written are material in considering its true import.

You must certainly have thought that I was very badly served by my agents in England if I did not know such import

But Jack, not realizing the import of Frank's words, remained still.

"Would primarily denotes inclination of will; and should, obligation; but they both vary their import, and are often used to express simple event.

The audience evidently feels their solemn import.

Even this simple statement, however, requires careful examination before we can grasp its full import.

" "What's that?" said Frank, who had heard Jack's muttered words, but had not caught their import.

The conquest of Canada first demonstrated this truth, and whenin the two following lectureswe shall have made some approach towards comprehending its full import, we shall all, I think, be ready to admit that the triumph of Wolfe marks the greatest turning-point as yet discernible in modern history.

The Allies have the right to adopt, on the territories left of the Rhine and occupied by their troops, a special customs regime both as regards imports and exports (Art. 270).

When a nation has regular payments to make in a foreign country, for which it is not to receive any return, its exports must annually exceed its imports by the amount of the payments which it is bound so to make.

Before entering upon an analysis of the condition of servants under these two states of society, let us settle the import of certain terms which describe the mode of procuring them.

So, in some instances, repeats the import of a preceding noun, and consequently partakes the nature of a pronoun; as, "We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow; Our wiser sons, no doubt, will think us so.

But even the Mohammedan population were hoping that the Allies would push their victory and land troops in Syria and Palestine; for though they hated the infidel, they loved the Turk not at all, and the country was exhausted and the blockade of the Mediterranean by the Allies prevented the import and export of articles.

18. Can the insertion or omission of an article greatly affect the import of a sentence?

I have dwelt thus long on this part of the subject from an earnest desire to fix in a clear and satisfactory manner the import of the second part of this grant, well knowing from the generality of the terms used their tendency to lead into error.

The wisest of men has told us that "it is a pleasant thing for the eyes to behold the sun," but only those who spend a winter in the Arctic Regions can fully appreciate the import of that inspired saying.

His parting remark amused Flora so much, that she burst into one of her musical peals of laughter; while her more cautious friend raised her handkerchief to her mouth, lest their visitor should hear some sound of mirth, and mistake its import.

For, since every action consists in doing something or in doing somehow, this general verb do, with this, that, it, thus, or so, to identify the action, may assume the import of many a longer phrase.

He would raise a revenue, just as Great Britain raises a revenue to-day, in spite of free-trade, by taxing certain imports.

His voice was coarse, his accent was hideous, and his grammatical construction beneath contempt; but I forgave him all when I gathered the import of his message.

Hungary obtains all her foreign imports through Austrian ports.

Had not the House altered the import of foreign sugar into our islands?

This little incident, of so trifling import at the time, was remembered in after years as an early indication of the ferocious and uncontrollable caudillo's character.

she declaimed, "to take part in a ceremonial, whose import we cannot even remotely guess!

109 Verbs to Use for the Word  import