731 Verbs to Use for the Word law

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Moreover, the great limitations of the Constitution, which forbid the majority, or even the whole body of the House and Senate, to pass laws either for want of authority or because they impair fundamental rights of individuals, are as emphatic a negation of an absolute democracy as can be found in any form of government.

Sir, there are Men enough, fitter much than I, to obey those Laws; nor do I think them made for every one.

They have broken a law," answered one of the natives.

But he disliked commerce, and finally persuaded his father to allow him to study law for two years at the University of Naples, during which period the lively and attractive youth made brisk use of his leisure time in that gay and romantic city, where he made his way into the highest circles of society, and unconsciously gleaned the material for the rich harvest of song and story that came with his later years.

OLIVER DYER, of the Sun, is the original "Dyer Necessity that knows no law.

Against this pestilent and abandoned race of men, most civilized countries have enacted penal laws.

As in England, the immediate question affected the power of the Crown to give to the customs inspectors the power to make general searches and seizures, to enforce the navigation laws.

He has no army, no treasury, no patronage; he merely executes the laws.

By this time I'd brought my rifle to bear upon the gentleman, but I gave him a little law, to see what his next move would be.

" "God will bless you for making those wise laws," said Mary.

She was a woman who never stopped talking for a single moment, but in a way that resembled leaking rather than laying down the law.

Three thousand engraved plates of brass containing these various laws were deposited in the capitol.

It had been intended that Havelock should follow the law as a profession; and he was studying with this end in view when his father stopped the necessary supplies of money, and he had to turn to some other occupation for a living.

He remained at Williamsburg, and managed to pick up a scanty practice as an attorney, for he had read a little law in want of something better to do, and to fit himself for his coming honors as a member of the House of Burgesses.

The Prince has fulfilled his promise to you; has repealed the law that was to be a weapon in the hands that aimed at his life and throne, as at the Star and its children.

Should I find the law in shape to deal with it?

I will establish honest laws of trade.

It required some self-denial to observe this law, but we kept it with tolerable strictness.

To prevent the tribunes from carrying their law, the younger patricians thronged to the assemblies and interfered with all proceedings; Terentilius, they said, was endeavoring to confound all distinction between the orders.

The university leader of the future is the man who shall set laws over household accounts and who shall rule over such simple things as what best to eat and buy.

He had been sent by Germain 'to administer justice to the Canadians when he understands neither their laws, manners, customs, nor language.'

Removed far above the majority of his fellow-villagers in intelligence and energy, this man administered the law of his own will to his colleagues on the village council.

Augustine was born at Tagaste, or Tagastum, near Carthage, in the Numidian province of the Roman Empire, in the year 354,a province rich, cultivated, luxurious, where the people (at least the educated classes) spoke the Latin language, and had adopted the Roman laws and institutions.

731 Verbs to Use for the Word  law