16 Verbs to Use for the Word inadequacies

The Colonel felt keenly the inadequacy of giving a man twenty-five dollars who had just introduced him to hundreds of thousandsand who sat on the edge of his own gold-minebut it was only "on account.

The easy capture of Iloilo proves the inadequacy of the followers of Aguinaldo to do any mischief beyond bushwhacking, and it will not be found worth while to pursue the natives who made an occupation of war far into the jungles.

We do not believe that any governmentno, not the Rump Parliament on its last legsever showed such pitiful inadequacy as our own during the past two months.

On the other hand, we find that some of the best and wisest of men confess the inadequacy of language, while they also deplore its misuse.

It is idle to describe to those who have never depended upon such documents in foreign countries the inadequacy of half of them.

Conjecture becomes error only when, forgetting the inadequacy of human knowledge, we rest content with it as a final solution; the Socratic maxim, "I know that I am ignorant," should not lead to despairing resignation but to courageous further inquiry.

"Will the honorable person graciously forgive the inadequacy of the insignificant service and permit this humbled slave of the wire to inform him that the never-to-be-sufficiently censured line is busy?

The Culex has been one of the standing puzzles of literary criticism, and would be interesting, if only to illustrate the inadequacy of stylistic criteria.

Poetry laments the inadequacy of men to their ideals, philosophy declares an error in the figures which sum up life, religion reveals the fall of the race.

In the inaugural address I briefly pointed out the total inadequacy of disunion as a remedy for the differences between the people of the two sections.

No one realises its glaring inadequacy more acutely than I.

" Mr. Gribble opened his mouth, and then, realizing the inadequacy of the English language for moments of stress, closed it again.

If in the course of years my individual impressions (where they deviate from hitherto recognised views) fail to stand the test of time, I shall be the first to admit their inadequacy.

The latter signify some permanent or transitory adrenal inadequacy in the past, ante-natal or post-natal, of the individual, and presage the same in his future.

But his attempt seems to us to disclose a more extraordinary insensibility to the real demands of the case, and to what we cannot help calling the pitiable inadequacy of his own explanation, than we could have conceived possible in so keen and practised a mind.

He seemed to be canvassing an inadequacy in himself with dissatisfaction.

16 Verbs to Use for the Word  inadequacies