8 Verbs to Use for the Word incisions

But appetite o'er indecision Prevails, and Philip makes incision.

17.Italian Roast Beef. Cut several deep incisions in the upper round of beef and press into them lardoons of salt pork.

For our own part, we consider the V-shaped incision, or either of the horizontal methods of grooving, preferable to lines running in the direction of the horn fibres.

ENTAMER, couper le premier morceau; faire une légère incision; commencer.

Fearing the consequences, he lost no time in opening the crop, took out the rats, and sewed up the incision; the eagle did well and is now alive.

Decided in the negative, we take an ordinary flat firing-iron, and with it cut away a portion of the skin immediately around the still open wound, carrying our incisions deep enough to 'scoop' out a large portion of the new inflammatory tissue beneath.

And as Peter Abelard lost his testicles for his Heloise, he will I say not venture an incision, but life itself.

As I turned away, my eye caught the surgeon's incision, which was now plainly visible on the left shoulder.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  incisions