21 Verbs to Use for the Word inconstancy

So I, that know this worlds inconstancies, Sith onely God surmounts all times decay, In God alone my confidence do stay.

However this may be, the Countess has charged up to you the inconstancy of your equals; she apprehends that you are no better than all other lovers.

I confess my inconstancy, Abelard, without a blush; let my infidelity teach the world that there is no depending on the promises of womenwe are all subject to change.

Men know their own frailties, and are therefore charitable; women consider inconstancy to be the one unpardonable sin, and are inexorable.

And if you mean only to pique my pride in order to cure my inconstancy to my betrothed, I assure you it is quite unnecessary.

For a moment he cursed his inconstancy; then he feared lest she were of larger heart and firmer resolve than he,lest her love had been less light than his; he could scarcely feel himself secure of freedom,he must watch.

But the meretricious ornaments which he himself had introduced were within the reach of the meanest capacity; and, having been among the first to debauch the taste of the public, it was retributive justice that he should experience their inconstancy.

FORTUNA, a Roman divinity, the goddess of luck, and especially good luck, to whom Servius Tullius, in acknowledgment of her favours to him, erected several temples in Rome; is represented in art as standing poised on a globe or a wheel, to express her inconstancy.

For lo, thus roundabout in feathers dight, Doth plainly figure mine inconstancy: As feathers, light of mind; of wit as light, Subjected still to mutability, And for to paint me forth more properly, Behold each feather decked gorgeously With colours strange in such variety, As plainly pictures perfect vanity.

And last of all, this line I add, the last and yet the best: 'Thou ne'er shalt find inconstancy in this unchanging breast.'

But let not our kindness for each other imitate the inconstancy of the seasons.' Sept. 2. 'Mr. Windham has been here to see me; he came, I think, forty miles out of his way, and staid about a day and a half, perhaps I make the time shorter than it was.

When these days should come, she wished to be ready to meet them with a brave heart and a resolute soul, and she also endeavored to impress on the minds of her two beloved sons the inconstancy of fortune, in order that they might look misfortune boldly in the face.

Cherries, again, indicate inconstancy; but one would scarcely expect to find the thistle regarded as lucky; for, according to an old piece of folk-lore, to dream of being surrounded by this plant is a propitious sign, foretelling that the person will before long have some pleasing intelligence.

"He says he will no more allow a man to put away his first and true wife, for he is convinced that God does not love inconstancy in men.

When I tell you what Rival hath ravished my heart from you, you will praise my inconstancy, and pray this Rival to fix it.

Thus caustically does she proclaim her inconstancy.

Has severity ever produced inconstancy?" To go on: We talked until we were out of breath, and everything the Countess told me gave me to understand that she had made up her mind.

Ah! an idea, a novel expedient occurred to his mind, one which he imagined would restrain the most obstinate inconstancy.

"It was agreed between us that if you showed any inconstancy, you were to be mine.

His purposes are neither so variable as may argue inconstancy, nor obstinately unchangeable, but framed according to his after-wits, or the strength of new occasions.

The latter signify inconstancy, which as a rule comes with the disillusion following possession.

21 Verbs to Use for the Word  inconstancy