4 Verbs to Use for the Word inebriates

Little does the spirit of commerce care how many Indians die inebriates, if it can be assured of beaver skins.

Not long since it was the custom to pass the social glass, and it has been the means of making a great many inebriates, and making beggars of a great many families; thus we see the effects of that custom.

Mrs. Wayne was sternly trying to prosecute the inebriate; Burke was determined to protect him, first, by smirching the girl's name, and, next, by getting the girl's family to consent to a marriage, a solution that Mrs. Wayne considered most undesirable in view of the character of the prospective husband.

For the sake of the dear old times, spare me the pain of seeing you a reformed inebriate or a Martha Washington!

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  inebriates