9 Verbs to Use for the Word inquire

For to what conclusions must we come, if we unwittingly pursue our inquires under the bias of the prejudice, that the general maxims of social life which now prevail in this country, were current, on the authority of the Savior, among the primitive Christians!

I heard her inquire.

If not, beg inquire at the Old Bell, Holborn.

In construing the Constitution we must then next inquire, Is its exercise "necessary and proper"?not whether it may be convenient or useful "for carrying into execution" the power to regulate commerce among the States.

Gentle friend, dost thou inquire What's the lineage

Then needs another element inquire, Whereof she mote be made; that is, the skye.

In this scene of confusion there was no one to answer Mr. Saltram's eager inquires about those travellers whom he had pursued to this point.

Without stopping to inquire as to what the munition works would then do, we can still see that it is doubtful whether the farm can act as magnet.

Thus, we have the Saxon "ask," the Norman-French "inquire" and "question," and the Latin "interrogate."

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  inquire