47 Verbs to Use for the Word insanities

Anything that is brutal, cruel, heathenish, that makes life hopeless for the most of mankind and perhaps for entire races,anything that assumes the necessity of the extermination of instincts which were given to be regulated,no matter by what name you call it,no matter whether a fakir, or a monk, or a deacon believes it,if received, ought to produce insanity in every well-regulated mind.

I've given you the main idea of the thing; and a German doctor says that early rising causes insanity.

His nonsense, therefore, is quite gratuitous; he writes it for its own sake, and, being bitten by Mr. Leigh Hunt's insane criticism, more than rivals the insanity of his poetry.

There is absolutely nothing wrong, andMonsignor," he continued, looking straight at the wire-bedecked invalid, "not the very faintest indication of anything even approaching insanity or imbecility.

The first effects are described to me to have resembled insanity, and it was by assiduous watching that he was restrained from effecting purposes of suicide.

Man stumbles at every turn against the efforts of a stronger reason than his own,the Supreme Reason before which, nilly nilly, his must bow and confess the insanity of its judgments.

Gentleman Jim, maddened by a course of dram-drinking, blinded by an infatuation that itself constituted insanity, was hardly to be considered an accountable being.

The effect of the hormone system upon the vegetative apparatus may create the more obscure insanities and quasi-insanities.

"My dear Stafford, I know that being that abominable thinga sportsmanyou are consequently mad; but you might have the decency to curb your insanity out of consideration for the wretched man who has the misfortune to be your companion, and who plainly sees that this period of sunshine is a gilded fraud, and that presently it will rain again like cats and dogs.

People might have thought that my actions denoted insanity, but every one was so greatly occupied in these last moments before departure, that perhaps I was not noticed.

Many great authors have depicted insanity in their most gifted characters.

" Mrs. Truefitt made a gesture of impatience, and her daughter, watching him closely, tried to remember something she had once read about detecting insanity by the expression of the eyes.

Anything else I didwas temporary insanity!" Her hand suddenly came back again

The reader however must not imagine, though I have employed the word insanity in describing Mr. Falkland's symptoms, that he was by any means reckoned for a madman by the generality of those who had occasion to observe him.

I have long thought that if I were a millionaire, with money to leave for public purposes, I should endow "Insanity" exclusively.

For years I have been constantly fearing insanity or palsy.

Men who had set their hearts on gold, and who prided themselves on their possession, and on that only, were made to feel its insanity; and they who had walked abroad as gods, so lately, began to experience how utterly insignificant are the merely rich, when stripped of their possessions.

For several weeks I believed the institution to be peopled by detectives, feigning insanity.

The coroner found it Insanity.

You know she had been in such an unusual state of exhilaration all that summer; and as soon as she left New Hampshire and began the old city-life, she became oppressed with a speechless melancholy, I believe, so that the doctors foreboded insanity.

Who would not be apt to impute insanity to Caligulaor Domitianor Caracallaor Commodusor Heliogabalus?

There he gave dinners; there he gratified a passion for display, which was puerile; there he indulged in eccentricities which almost implied insanity; there he concocted his schemes for court advancement; and there, later in life, he contributed some of the treasures of his wit to dramatic literature.

The match was on his part entered on rather from disappointment than love; and was made contrary to the advice of his surviving parent, who represented to him the danger there was lest his wife should inherit an incurable insanity under which her mother long laboured.

One man cannot think with the left side of his head; another, with the sanity of the right side judges the insanity of the left side of his head.

I know the man's insanity and arrogance; I know the desperate counsels of his friends, to which he is wholly given up.

47 Verbs to Use for the Word  insanities