15 Verbs to Use for the Word intemperance

The uniform testimony respecting intemperance was, that it never had been one of the vices of the negroes.

The same by which the commerce in human beings was destroyed, and which are now driving intemperance from the earthvoluntary associations and the press.

Joe found intemperance among women; he found little children running to the saloon for cans of beer; he found plenty of men drunkards.

For no matter what he wanted he knowed intemperance is evil and only evil.

Maudsley laid especial stress upon the observation, that intemperance, without hereditary predisposition, was one of the most powerful agencies in the production of aberration of the mind.

Tertius Emilius' wife, Cornelia's mother, perceiving her husband's intemperance, rem dissimulavit, made much of the maid, and would take no notice of it.

The result is an almost unanimous conclusion upon the part of those who have given the subject study that the most effective means of preventing intemperance and promoting discipline and morals are the soldiers' institutes and clubs, in which liquor is sold in small quantities under strict regulations enforced by the enlisted men themselves.

This promoted intemperance, because the soldiers went to the bar only to drink, and for no other reason.

"Thou hast played at ball, and thou hast been temperate," said Zadig; "know that there is no such thing in nature as a basilisk; that temperance and exercise are the two great preservatives of health; and that the art of reconciling intemperance and health is as chimerical as the philosopher's stone, judicial astrology, or the theology of the magi.

It reproved the intemperance of their ambition and darkened the splendor of victory.

The prelates whose laudable zeal for the promotion of virtue has prompted them to distinguish themselves on this occasion by an uncommon warmth of opposition, ought, as they appear fully sensible of the calamities which intemperance brings upon mankind, to consider likewise the consequences of refusing to examine, in a committee, a bill professedly drawn up to restrain intemperance.

"I have shown the intemperance of a boy, and intemperance of a quality that little becomes my years.

Alexander himself added intemperance to sleep, and solaced with the fumes of wine the sovereignty of the world: and almost every man has some art by which he steals his thoughts away from his present state.

Was it likely that I, who am by temperament and habit accustomed to read human visages like a book, was it likely, I say, that I would fail to see craftiness in those pale, shifty eyes, deceit in the weak, slobbering mouth, intemperance in the whole aspect of the shrunken, slouchy figure which I had, for my subsequent sorrow, so generously rescued from starvation?

Mr. Lanley discovered that in some way she considered the intemperance of Severance's habits to be involved.

15 Verbs to Use for the Word  intemperance