4 Verbs to Use for the Word ion

But the day | -star attract | -ed his eye's | sad devo | -t~ion, For it rose | o'er his own | native isle | of the o | -c~ean, Where once, | in the fire | of his youth | -ful emo | t~ion, He sang | the bold an | -them of E | -rin go bragh."Ib., p. 116.

Matter is simply ether in motion, is composed of corpuscles, electrically charged ions, or electrons, moving units of negative electricity about one one-thousandth part of the hydrogen atom.

He called the separate atoms or groups of atoms into which bodies undergoing electrolysis are separated, the radicals, or ions, and named the electro-positive ions, which appear at the cathode, the kathions, and the electro-negative radicals which appear at the anode, the anions.

The Episcopal bell slowly said, 'Apos-tol-ic suc-cess-ion!

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  ion