122 Verbs to Use for the Word items

The diplomatic forty-eight hours' coup-de-main failed, and the programme contained no other item except war.

This enjoyable disposition we take to form a very large item in the aggregate happiness of the nation.

A sporting paper gives the following item: "Two nines, composed of members of BOOTH'S, WALLACK'S and the Olympic theatrical companies, played an interesting game of base-ball at the Union base-ball grounds, last week.

I was complimented by both the learned pundits, as though I had added a great item to the aggregate of human knowledge.

My uncle would not like to have me remain here until midnight, but even if he would permit it I have not yet mastered the art of condensing the dispatches and selecting just such items as are suitable for the Tribune.

But Jack's letter was never sent, for when the post came from Richmond the next day, Vincent read in the morning paper a surprising personal item: "'Among the distinguished arrivals in the city within the week, we have just learned of the presence of Mrs. Sprague, wife of the famous Senator, a contemporary with Clay and Webster.

It only remains to tell you of what is dearer here than it is in England, I have tried all I can to find out items belonging to this latter head, and have succeeded in two alonenamely, sugar and fuel.

Arthur drove to Huntingdon with Louise and while the society editor picked up items her husband interviewed the merchants.

It was an agonizing moment for Katherine, who was entering items in the ledger, and had to be blind and deaf to what was passing round her, yet all the time was acutely conscious that something was wrong somewhere.

At each moment Representatives came in and brought items of news:

For a careful description of the flowers thus employed, we would refer the reader to two interesting papers contributed by Miss Lambert to the Nineteenth Century, in which she has collected together in a concise form all the principal items of information on the subject in past years.

But the present point is that they possess an exceptional power to fix the price of sewing cotton as they choose, and that this is attributable in no small degree to the fact that sewing cotton constitutes an essential but relatively trifling item in the expenses of the processes in which it is employed.

He makes all the bets for the red men, collecting different amounts for a score or more, but never forgetting a single item or person.

In the autumn of the following year the first consignment arrived from China; in 1829 a second; and in 1852 again occurs the item of $1,311 for martins.

"Secondly," went on the Field-Marshal, checking off his items as he spoke, "your contribution, your personal contribution to His Majesty's Twenty-third Imperial Loan, is accepted.

yet she could not help feeling that he knew every item of her dress, and could have described her exactly.

As it may interest our readers to know what treasures an actress of 1828 possessed, we copy from the catalogue of her effects a few items.

Their scouts came in to report some items of information.

As a result of the competition in cheap miniature two-seater cars we anticipate several interesting developments and take the liberty of extracting the following items from the newspapers of the future: FOR SALE.Small two-seater car, fit gentleman five feet eleven inches in height.

" In most cases, those serving on the news desk in English-language papers have never worked as rural correspondents and are, hence, unable, or in some cases unwilling, to understand the intricacies of collecting and sending news items.

The name was first used by an old Mississippi river pilot named Isaiah Sellers, who used to write items for the New Orleans Picayune, in which he told of his adventures.

" The New Black Hundred On October 19th the Centralia Hub published an item headed "Employers Called to Discuss Handling of 'Wobbly' Problem."

I have ventured to set down in this place the following bald and brief items of our recent history, not because I doubt an already existing common knowledge of their substance, but simply because they serve to illuminate and give finish to the succeeding narrative.

she repeated in a toneless voice every item of the programme outlined for her, while Victor nodded in undisguised delight, and Shaik Tsin grinned blandly over her head.

The records of Brummell date back to 1750 and are voluminous; but Rudolph Musgrave did not overlook an item in any Will Book, or in any Orders of the Court, that pertained, however remotely, to the Stapletons.

122 Verbs to Use for the Word  items