38 Verbs to Use for the Word jail

"Bully West broke jail two weeks ago.

He advised Mr. Hall to leave the jail and go home immediately, as the people outside were furious, and he ran the risk of his life.

There was some disposition, I understood, not to allow him to enter the jail; but Mr. Giddings is a man not easily repulsed, and there is nobody of whom the good people at Washington, especially the office-holders, who make up so large a part of the population, stand so much in awe as a member of Congress; especially a member of Mr. Giddings' well-known fearless determination.

Next valiant and noble Lord Howard, That formerly dealt in lamb's wool; Who knowing what it is to be towered, By impeaching may fill the jails full.

The next day, as soon as the news of his dismissal reached the jail, the turnkeys at once unlocked my cell-door and admitted me into the passage, observing that the new marshal, when he came to take possession, should at least find me there.

Several thousand people surrounded the jail, filling up the enclosure about it.

Margaret's husband very soon squandered away the money he had got frae me, as weel as the property he had got frae his faither; and, to escape the jail, he ran off, and left his wife and family.

*** The LORD-LIEUTENANT, it is stated on good authority, threatens that if Sinn Fein prisoners destroy any more jails they will be rigorously released.

We subsequently visited the city jail, to which reference is made in the letter below, and were able to confirm this statement from our own observation.

" "If you say I set the jail afire, Mike Flynn," cried Marie, "Yo're a liar by the clock.

I 'll unlock your fetters, and if I can't hold the jail, you 'll have to make the best fight you can.

"Oh, no!" replied she; "I would let all the people go, if I kept the jail.

Whistlin' Dan Barryno lesshas busted open the jail at Elkhead an' set Lee Haines free.

He walked up the hill, passing the jail, and gazing about on the houses, as if he wished to make himself acquainted with the town.

Four guardian Virtues, round, support her throne: Fierce champion Fortitude, that knows no fears Of hisses, blows, or want, or loss of ears; Calm Temperance, whose blessings those partake Who hunger and who thirst for scribbling sake; Prudence, whose glass presents th' approaching jail; Poetic Justice, with her lifted scale, Where, in nice balance, truth with gold she weighs, And solid pudding against empty praise.

As a convicted criminal, who served for two years at hard labor in Reading jail, and afterwards, a prey to chronic alcoholism, died in obscurity in Paris, he still remains a subject of whispered conversation in private, and his crime a taboo to the public, mentionable only at the risk of arousing the terrible odium sexicum of the prurient majority.

This outer building forms a corridor all round the jail, affording protection to the keepers from all weathers, and thus enables them to keep an efficient watch over the inmates.

If twenty men rush the jail, the guards will simply throw down their guns and give up.

So 'scapes the insulting fire his narrow jail, And makes small outlets into open air: There the fierce winds his tender force assail, And beat him downward to his first repair.

Lay down yo'n, an' we'll lay down ou'n,we didn' take 'em up fust; but we ain' gwine ter let you bu'n down ou' chu'ches an' school'ouses, er dis hospittle, an' we ain' comin' out er dis house, where we ain' disturbin' nobody, fer you ter shoot us down er sen' us ter jail.

It had not been as bad as it might, for the kindly Othman Pacha had used what interest he possessed to get his friend shut up in a fortress instead of the usual horrible Turkish jail.

Speakin' o' arrests, the wonder is to me that Mac and I ever stayed oot o' jail.

Now one of those who had been sold in Virginia was the Thomas Stewart whom I have already mentioned, and whom neither stinking jail nor crowded transport had much affected.

I 've got powder and ball, and I 've faced fire before now, with nothing between me and the enemy, and I don't mean to surrender this jail

For these reasons the Plains of Abraham are crowned with all sorts of beautiful thingsincluding a jail and a factory.

38 Verbs to Use for the Word  jail