4 Verbs to Use for the Word janglings

No dining at Freemasons' Tavern, opening subscription-lists, selling of shares, and infinite other jangling and true or false endeavouring!

Two conventions, three banquets, the lobby so full of khaki that it looked like a sand-storm, a threatened strike in the laundry, a travelling man in two-twelve who had the grippe and thought he was dying, a shortage of towels (that bugaboo of the hotel housekeeper) due to the laundry trouble that had kept the linen-room telephone jangling to the tune of a hundred damp and irate guests.

the whole met and ran into a riot of colour, and perfumeand little jangling, swishing sounds.

Forthwith the grinning Jester began shrieking with laughter, so that the bells upon his motley cap were all set a-jangling.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  janglings