103 Verbs to Use for the Word juries

As soon as Mr. Ames discovered the nature of the disturbance he arose from his bed, opened the window, and with outstretched arms and in a supplicating manner, as if addressing a jury in an important case, exclaimed: "Gentlemen, if you will be kind enough to desist from operations until I arrange my toilet, I will be down."

You're a lawyer, Mr. DIBBLE and I should think you could get them a habeas corpus, or a divorce, or some other perfectly absurd thing about courts, that would make the judges tell the juries to bring them in Not Guilty."

When he was made to realise that his perjury, instead of helping Holymead, had helped to convince the jury of the prisoner's guilt, would he tell the true story of how much he knew?

I well remember one occasion while we were at Hereford, a very pompous and extremely proper town, as all cathedral cities are; my lord and I were robed for the reception of the High Sheriff (as he is called) and his chaplain, who were presently coming with the great carriage to take us to be churched before we charged the grand jury.

Mr. Walters made no attempt to conceal or extenuate the black page in Hill's past, but he asked the jury to believe that Hill had bitterly repented of his former crime, and would have continued to lead an honest life as Sir Horace Fewbanks's butler, if ill fate had not forged a cruel chain of circumstances to link him to his past life and drag him down by bringing him in contact with the accused man Birchill, whom he had met in prison.

The work of empanelling a jury commenced, and when it was completed Mr. Walters, K.C., opened the case for the prosecution.

There was difficulty, as you will conceive, in selecting an unprejudiced jury.

He'll pack the jury and charge our innocent Angelo into the middle of hades.

Who was it bribed the jury that tried you for the shooting up of Derbyville, Pedlar?

"But now let us take the other alternative, and let us suppose that if your trial had been put off, and the material witness, when called, could prove something in your favourthis sometimes happensand that that something induced the jury to acquit you, what a sad thing that would be!

To secure an impartial jury, each party may object to or "challenge," a number of the jurors.

The case was as difficult as it was serious; but my line of duty was plain, and it was to leave the facts as clearly as I could possibly state them, with such explanation of the law applicable to each case as my ability would allow, and then leave the jury to find according to their honest belief.

As to the Forgery Bill it will be difficult to find juries to convict when a majority has decided against the punishment of death.

In the mean time pains were taken by Mr. Causton to pack and influence the jury.

The tablecloth had jagged or hacked edges, which satisfied the jury that the knives had been used hurriedly, and that each man had been doing his share of the cutting.

Venire issued and delivered to Constable G.W. Cause adjourned to September 17, 1887, at 1 P.M., at my office, to give time to summon the jury, and for them to appear. September 17, 1 P.M.Parties appear.

List of names of (twenty-four) inhabitants of the county of , qualified to serve as jurors in the district court of said county, made by me as directed by said justice of the peace, from which to impanel a jury in the above entitled cause.

If either party demanded a jury one had to be sworn in; and French Canadians were to be jurors on equal terms with 'the King's Old Subjects.'

" "Do you know his reputation for peace and quiet?" Miss Fanny half turned to the judge and then faced the jury.

The law of the twenty-second of Prairial is also repealed, but the Revolutionary Tribunal is preserved, and the necessity of suspending the old jury, as being the creatures of Robespierre, has not prevented the tender solicitude of the Convention for a renovated activity in the establishment itself.

Fouquier-Tinville, the public prosecutor, a man whose greed of blood stamped him with an especial hideousness, even in those days of universal barbarity, took his seat before them; and eleven men, the greater part of whom had been carefully picked from the very dregs of the peoplejourneymen carpenters, tailors, blacksmiths, and discharged policemenwere constituted the jury.

The king, provoked at these abuses, ordered a jury to be enclosed, and to try the robbers: the jury, though consisting of twelve men of property in Hampshire, were found to be also in a confederacy with the felons, and acquitted them.

The District Attorney pressed for a conviction with no less violence than he had done in my case, assuring the jury that if they did not convict there was an end of the security of slave property.

The judge thanked the jury from the bench and announced that there were carriages outside the door waiting to take them home.

Some travelers!" "Well, go on getting the jury," said the judge, yawning again and handing the paper to the clerk.

103 Verbs to Use for the Word  juries