12 Verbs to Use for the Word kinde

Thither the Portugals bring a kinde of Bombast cloth of a low price, and great store of Paternosters or beads made of paltrie glasse, which they make in Chaul according to the vse of the Countrey: and from thence they cary Elephants teeth for India, slaues called Cafari, and some Amber and Gold.

The towne hath three great market places, wherein dayly there is markets holden, where you may buy all kindes of wares, and where there commeth a great number of people, very strange to beholde:

The said Palmitos they esteemed to bee a kinde of wilde date-trees.

Also he hath sundry kindes of meat serued in at his table, and three dishes of ech kinde; and when the sayd virgins feed him, they sing most sweetly.

There are diuers iugling trickes which I am loath to describe for some reasons before alleaged, whereof some are common some rarer and some desperate: I wil therefore shew a few desperate and dangerous iugling knackes, wherein the simple are made thinke, that a silly Iugler with words can hurt and helpe, kill and reuiue any creature at his pleasure: and first to kill any kinde of pullen and to make them reuiue.

And that shall lend a kinde of easinesse [Footnote A: Here in the Quarto: That monster custome, who all sence doth eate Of habits deuill, is angell yet in this That to the vse of actions faire and good, He likewise giues a frock or Liuery That aptly is put on]

Sister, you see we utterly mistake The kinde and princelie dealing of the Duke: Therefore without more ceremonious doubts Lets reconfirme the contract and his love.

As touching the Carouan which goeth to Mecca, it is to be vnderstoode, that the Mahometans obserue a kinde of lent continuing one whole moone, and being a moueable ceremonie, which sometimes falleth high, sometimes lowe in the yeere called in their tongue Ramazan, and their feast is called Bairam.

Paulus Diacrius reporteth a monstrous kinde of quaffing, between foure old men at a banquet, which they made of purpose.

I my selfe was alwayes in my house with a good guard appointed me by the Retor, that no man should doe me iniurie, nor harme me nor my goods; in such wise that hee perfourmed all that he had promised me in the name of the king, but he would not let me depart before the comming of the king, which was greatly to my hinderance, because I was twenty and one moneths sequestred, that I could not buy nor sell any kinde of marchandise.

Why, Lady, tis a pretty kinde of terme new come up in perfuming, which they call a Titillation.

Here also they vse a kinde of Bark or shippe called Iase being compact together onely with hempe.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  kinde