15 Verbs to Use for the Word kindergarten

Lina is six, she has left the Kindergarten and is presently to attend the Primary School.

A brass-buttoned guardian of the peace remarked to a gentleman on a street-corner, "If we could open more kindergartens, sir, we could almost shut up the penitentiaries, sir!"

"The establishment contains: "(1) The Kindergarten proper, a National Kindergarten with four classes for children from 2-1/2 to 6 years old.

Among these kindly offices to be rendered, these practical agencies for making Abel a happy, self-helpful, and consequently a better little brother, we may surely count the free kindergarten.

' "A four-year-old boy when he first entered the kindergarten was the most complete embodiment of negative training I have ever met.

"Miss Lydia says she's going to persuade her brother-in-law to furnish a kindergarten and a day nursery for the Hardwick Mill," she offered hastily.

But getting money and opening kindergartens are not the only cares of a Kindergarten Association.

" The question for us to decide to-day is not how we can interest people in and how illustrate the true kindergarten, for that is already done to a considerable extent; but, how we can convince school boards, superintendents, and voters that the final introduction of the kindergarten into the public school system is a thing greatly to be desired.

We need the public kindergarten educationally as the vestibule to our school work.

She did them all, and equally well and gracefully, whether it was the rejection of a too ambitious devotee who dared to want to have her all to himself, or the planning of a woman's luncheon, or the pushing of a bill to provide kindergartens in the public schools.

Miss Caroline Bishop was appointed to lecture to the Infants' teachers under the London School Board; Miss Heerwart took charge of a training college for Kindergarten teachers in connection with the British and Foreign School Society; the Froehel Society was founded, and Madame Michaelis took the Kindergarten into the newly established High Schools for Girls.

"What you think this isa kindergarten?" "Why, I paid for all the games I lost, didn't I?" asked Pringle, much abashed.

The Prussian edict, which abolished the Kindergarten almost before it had started, was now rescinded, and our own Princess Royal gave warm support to this new institution.

Any one who understands the double needs of the kindergarten and primary school cannot fail to see this matter correctly, and as I said before, we do not want a few kindergarten exercises, we want the kindergarten.

Some undeserved fun has been poked at the shade of the junior partner, who conceived the enormous open-air kindergarten that has been formed out of the wild cliff at Durlston.

15 Verbs to Use for the Word  kindergarten