13 Verbs to Use for the Word kingdome

Those royall ornaments to steale away? "Marie, that shall your selfe," quoth he theretoo, "For ye be fine and nimble it to doo; 1000 Of all the beasts which in the forrests bee Is not a fitter for this turne than yee: Therefore, mine owne deare brother, take good hart, And ever thinke a kingdome is your part.

Well, that fire Will prove a catching flame to burne his kingdome.

Whetstone inveighs against the English dramatist who "in three howers ronnes throwe the worlde, marryes, gets children, makes Children men, men to conquer kingdomes, murder Monsters, and bringeth Gods from Heaven, and fetcheth Divels from Hel."

We found in the Citie of Martauan ninetie Portugales of Merchants and other base of men, which had fallen at difference with the Retor or gouernour of the citie, and all for this cause, that certaine vagabondes of the Portugales had slaine fiue falchines of the king of Pegu, which chaunced about a moneth after the king of Pegu was gone with a million and foure hundred thousand men to conquere the kingdome of Sion.

About sixteene yeeres past, this king with his kingdome were destroyed by the king of Patane, which was also king of the greatest part of Bengala, and when he had got the kingdome, he set custome there twenty pro cento, as Marchants paide in his kingdome: but this tyrant enioyed his kingdome but a small time, but was conquered by another tyrant, which was the great Mogol king of Agra, Delly, and of all Cambaia, without any resistance.

Shed not their bloods to gaine a kingdome greater Then ten times this.

But 'tis not Heaven can give me what I seeke; To you, you hated kingdomes of the night, You severe powers that not like those above Will with faire words or childrens cryes be wonne, That have a stile beyond that Heaven is proud off, Deriving not from Art a makers Name

The kings children shall not inherite the kingdome after their father, because they hold this opinion, that perchance they were not begotten of the king their father, but of some other man, therfore they accept for their king, one of the sonnes of the kings sisters, or of some other woman of the blood roial, for that they be sure, they are of the blood roiall.

Who of the Grecian Libbard* now ought heares, That over-ran the East with greedie powre, And left his whelps their kingdomes to devoure?

Couldst thou shed A Sea of teares to drowne my resolution, He dyes; could this fond man lay at my foote The kingdomes of the earth, he dyes; he dyes Were he my sonne, my father.

You are a whoremaster: doe you send me to winne Townes for you abroad, and you lose a kingdome at home? King.

Heare me: any Englishman That can but read our Chronicles can tell That many of our Kings and noblest Princes Have fetcht their best and royallest wives from Spayne, The very last of all binding both kingdomes Within one golden ring of love and peace By the marriage of Queene Mary with that little man (But mighty monarch)

This king by the pollicie of his yoonger sonne, was depriued of his kingdome, who because hee had entised and done that which pleased the armie and souldiours, in despight of his father and brother being prince, vsurped the kingdome, and became a great warriour.

13 Verbs to Use for the Word  kingdome