5 Verbs to Use for the Word kynge

There weren enclosed 22 kynges with hire peple, that duelleden betwene the mountaynes of Sythye.

And every of tho kynges han many kynges undre hem; and alle thei ben obeyssant to the gret Chane.

This Emperour Prestre John hathe evere more 7 kynges with him, to serve him: and thei departen hire service be certeyn monethes.

When I shall meete The kynge on no hye way, when I shall ryde Uppon no beast & yet a beast of burthen, Be neyther nakt nor cloathed, in my hande

"Forasmoche as we by divers meanes bene credebly enformed and undarstand for certyne, that owr greate adversary Henry, naminge hym selfe kynge of England, by the maliceous counseyle and exitacion of Margaret his wife, namynge hir selfe queane of England, have conspired," &c.EDWARD IV: Letter of Privy Seal.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  kynge