89 Verbs to Use for the Word laborer

"They sent out two first-class tugs and a number of highly-paid men; they ought to have hired negro laborers at the spot.

If he employs laborers he must pay them wages, that they too may consume and live.

"And the money to pay the laborers?" "Don't pay them!

Christianity in supporting The American system for Slavery, according to Prof. supporting Slavery, Hodge, "Enjoins a fair compensation Makes compensation impossible for labor." by reducing the laborer to a chattel.

Our dear friend Hannah C. Backhouse is strong in the faith that light increasing, that the fields are white already for harvest, and that the Lord of the harvest is preparing and sending forth laborers into his harvest.

We select a single one of these as a specimen, by the application to which of a little arithmetic, it will be perceived that the employer would bring the laborer in debt to him at the end of the year, though not a moment should be lost by sickness or other casualty.

A compromise which embargoed the free laborer of the North and West, and clutched at the staff he leaned upon, to turn it into a bludgeon and fell him with its stroke.

The planters have to resort to every means in their power to induce their laborers not to purchase land. 3d.

Does he require us in principle to regard "the laborer as worthy of his hire;" and permit us in practice to defraud him of his wages?

But you may suppose, that, in the event of the emancipation of her slaves, the South would prefer white laborers.

Geoffrey fumed, raved, and swore; and when two of the men were killed by the falling of the earth, and the rest absolutely refused to work any longer, he bade them go, a pack of ungrateful scoundrels as they were, and, procuring more laborers, declared "he would dig there till the Devil came to fetch him.

A leading signification gives us the manual laborer, to whom, in the division of labor, muscular exertion was allotted.

It takes woman from beneath the feet, and places her by the side of man; delivers the manual laborer from "the yoke," and gives him wages for his work; and brings the Jew and Gentile to embrace each other with fraternal love and confidence.

He supposed he was the first European that had explored the mines of Golconda; but an Englishman of the name of Methold visited them as early as 1622, and found thirty thousand laborers working away for the rich Marcandar, who paid three hundred thousand pagodas annually to the king for the privilege of digging in a single mine.

Trinidad, Demerara, and Berbice, want laborers.

I know of a shipyard with a normal pay-roll of five hundred hands, which in one year engaged and lost to nearby munition factories thirteen thousand laborers.

WAGES It must have been obvious to every man of reflection that in a change so vast, involving so many laborers, and in circumstances so various, there would arise almost infinite disputes about the rate of wages.

Jamaica, is in your handsshe requires repose, by the removal of a law which has equally tormented the laborer, and disappointed the plantera law by which man still constrains man in unnatural servitude.

The planters treat the laborers more like fellow men, and this leads the latter to be respectful in their turn.

Improved means of transportation, cheaper methods of manufacture, enabled every laborer in 1860 to wear better clothes and eat better food than had been worn or consumed by his father in 1830.

I was employed in passing from row to row, in order to see that the work was well done, and to urge forward the laborers.

In the mulct of this seemingly general conspiracy to defraud the laborer of his wages by exorbitant rents, &c. Sir Lionel Smith, the Governor, proceeds from district to district, giving advice to both of the contending parties, and striving to promote a mutual understanding.

It withheld laborers from the estates which needed them; it was calculated to make the regular field hands discontented, and it offered a direct encouragement to the negroes to follow irregular modes of living.

As we approached the laborers, the manager pointed out one company of ten, who were at work with their hoes by the side of the road, while a larger one of thirty were in the middle of the field.

It costs a planter far less trouble to manage free laborers, than it did to manage slaves.

89 Verbs to Use for the Word  laborer