18 Verbs to Use for the Word lak

I tended de sheep an' cows an' such lak.

She jes better serve out her term lak she is, an' wash up when she gits th'ugh.

Dey danced reels an' lak in de moonlight: [HW: Songs] 'Mamma's got de whoopin' cough, Daddy's got de measles, Dat's whar de money goes, Pop goes de weasel.'

I cut down dat tree an' started home, when all to once somethin' run by me an' went down dat big road lak light'ning an' my dog was afte' it.

He had be'n lonesome ernuff befo', but now he didn' eben hab his own se'f ter 'so'ciate wid, fer he felt mo' lak a stranger 'n he did lak Ben.

"'Gwan, you fool nigger, don' you know dat dem flying boys an' gals is to be hayr ter-day?" "Oh, dat's jes a joke, dat is," rejoined Uncle Jupe; "how's they all goin' ter fly ah'd lak to know.

You an' Miss Cissie acts too much lak white folks fuh a nigger lak me to jine you, Mr. Peter.

To dis good day I holds myse'f lak Marster said.

I keeps it nice an' clean jus' lak I learnt how to do frum de white folks where I used to work.

I raised her lak she was my own.

Folks an' de Gov'ment, too, seem lak dey was all up-set an' threatened lak.

De marster didn' know nothin' 'bout it, 'cause it was sorta secret-lak.

Us march' 'roun' de room an' sorter sing-lak, 'De Yankees is comin'!

I wist sum magic w'u'd ellow, (By charm or craf'doan mattah how) You stay jes lak

An' he seen to it dat a lot o' de white democratic men got he'p from votin' an' a lot o' Niggers step up an' vote lak he tol' 'em (dey were scared not to).

She come right down dem steps 'mongst all dem mad folks an' say, calm an' lady-lak, 'Gent'mun, my brother-in-law is here, cert'ny.

Well, I tells you jus' lak I tol' dat Home Loan man what was here las' week.

An' den he'd say to me, 'Well, always carry yo'se'f lak he did.'

18 Verbs to Use for the Word  lak