36 Verbs to Use for the Word leopards

I heard nothing except the scuttling off of the hyenas and jackals that had been attracted by the dead buffalo, so I slept again until daylight, when, to my surprise, I saw a dead leopard by the buffalo.

Let me see you try to kill that leopard!" Decadent and grown effeminate though Rome was, there was no patrician who had not received some training in the use of arms.

Pat shoots two leopards.

When that seemed ripe, he unloosed, or, to speak by a stronger image, he sprang his known resources, he slipped our royal horses like cheetas, or hunting leopards, after the affrighted game.

It is intended that whichever of us can find a golden leopard, and a golden snake and a golden monkey and make them dance before the people, he is your principal son and shall be your heir," The Raja was pleased with this interpretation and told his three sons that he would give the Raj to whichever of them could find the three animals by that day year.

I saw there, also, the ambassadors from a soldan of India, who brought with him eight leopards and ten hare-hounds who were taught to sit on a horses croup in hunting, like the leopards.

It shows the danger of only wounding a leopard, especially if he is coming towards you; always wait till he has passed your station, if it is practicable.

I was camped out at the village of Purindaha, on the edge of a gloomy sal forest, which was reported to contain numerous leopards.

Soon a second leg said that it would go outside; so it went and that leg met a leopard and a bear and it beat them to death and returned.

for carving, painting, and gilding two small leopards in wood, which were delivered to Master Walter, the King's painter, to be placed upon and on either side of the chair made by him.

The present English coat of arms is modern; instead of having the Norman leopards in the upper right hand and lower left hand, they then had the blue field and the fleurs de lys of France in the upper, and the Norman leopards only in the lower corner; and this lasted until the time of Charles I.

The merchant continued to run, thinking that if he helped the leopard it would surely eat him afterwards, but the leopard swore an oath not to eat him if he would only hide it.

The jackal considered for some time and then said "I don't understand how you hid the leopard; let me see how it was done; and then I shall be able to decide," The merchant said "I hid him in this sack."

"For if", said he, "this is abominable, that he with his own hands should have killed beasts, yet at Ostia yesterday or the day before one of your number, an old man that had been consul, indulged publicly in play with a prostitute who imitated a leopard.

This address amazed the leopard and he at once asked the raibar whether he could make him into two, and promised that if he could his life should be spared.

There was a squeak of pulleys as they loosed a leopard near the end of the arena.

This he did after the leopard had sworn not to eat him, and before they parted the leopard made him promise to tell no one that the lizard had bitten him, and said that if he told then he would be carried off and eaten.

They did so, and four balls pierced the leopard, three in the neck and one in a more dangerous place, through the brain.

Atkinson reported a sea leopard at the tide crack; it proved to be a crab-eater, young and very active.

"Speak!" said Verty, with a glow in his eye, which made him resemble a young leopard of the wild"speak, ma mere!I am no longer a child!

His eye is red with reminiscent fire, His thoughts are by the great Zambesi River Where hides the hippopotam, huge as sin, And slinking leopards with the dappled skin.

As the line of guns attempted to follow, one of them spied a leopard up on a tree looking thoroughly scared.

Semiramis was represented as on horseback, striking a leopard with a dart, and her husband Ninus as wounding a lion.

The leopardess agreed and the two set to work to tell all the other leopards what had happened and what a kindness the raibar had done them; and so it came to pass that to the present day leopards never interfere with raibars when they are going about arranging a marriage; no one ever heard of one being injured.

he exclaimed, and threw the leopard at the gladiators' feet.

36 Verbs to Use for the Word  leopards