29 Verbs to Use for the Word licking

Give him an ax maybe, and he hits one or two wallopin' licks with it and then stands and rests on the handle and starts to dreaming like a fool.

"What do you think he wants me for?" "I don't know, but it sounds rather like getting a licking.

Do ye think," he appealed to his audience, "it would brak' his jaw if I gave him a bit lick across it?" He advanced a huge hand for inspection, and listened to the free advice given to try it, and the earnest assurances that it did not matter much if the jaw did break.

The new police, however, gave them a terrible licking opposite Southampton Street, and not far from Northumberland House.

The ordinary observer, looking at the photograph for the first time, would be likely to reflect: "Here is a ruffian who needs a licking, but he has not got it yet.

In the summer of 1903 a bunch of nine especially good rams visited a certain lick each day.

Mr. Winters was passing along the street, heard cries, looked up through the window that was hoisted, saw the boy whipping her, as much as forty or fifty licks, while he staid.

"Now, Toby, we must be putting in our best licks.

It is probable that, if this had happened at Horace House, Jack Vance would have received a good licking as soon as the classes were dismissed; but a few very plain and forcible words spoken by Rowlands on the subject of knocking small boys about caused Noaks to postpone his retaliation.

Game of many kinds thronged the spaces round the licks; herds of buffalo, elk, and deer, as well as bears and wolves, were all in sight at once.

The Boy plunged forward, caught the blow as it descended, and flung the arm aside, wrenched the girl free, and as Joe came on again, looking as if he meant business, the Boy planted a sounding lick on his jaw.

I was busy promising him a licking from Jo.

And he kept his promise until he saw Hillton getting beaten yesterday, and then he couldn't stand it, and just up and told everything, and saved us a licking.

I have myself seen small game licks, the largest not a hundred feet across, in the Selkirks, Coeur d'Alenes, and Bighorns, the ground all tramped up by the hoofs of elk, deer, wild sheep, and white goats, with deep furrows and hollows where the saline deposits existed.

She neber struck me a lick in her life, an' I belieb in praising de bridge dat carries me ober.

Why, he never studies a lick!

No, sir; I sure took my lickings when I started.

Then old Miss Sally would get a stick and make out she gwine kill us, but she wouldn't touch us a lick.

It wanted a lick of paint bad.

"Certainly not." "But why not, Aunt Kate?"squirming as the puppy placed a long warm lick right below the knee.

"Well, you look a whole lot like a man that expects a licking.

But don't say "No" because you fear a licking, and say or think it's because you fear God, for that's neither Christian nor honest.

I can feel her lickings yet.

"He ain't forgot the licking I gave him," thought Billy vaingloriously, and hid a smile in the delectable softness of a wedge of cake with some kind of creamy filling.

I never seen 'em whup none but dey tol' us we'd git twen'y-nine licks iffen we got caught by 'em.

29 Verbs to Use for the Word  licking