1693 Verbs to Use for the Word life

I returned the next day, and had I arrived half an hour sooner, I should have bled him a third time, and in all human probability have saved his life.

A great friend of mine, an American, who had lived all her life abroad, and whose husband was a member of the diplomatic corps in Vienna, was always worrying over the misdemeanours of the Americans who never paid any attention to rules or court etiquette.

Everybody led the same life and we saw each other all day, hunting, riding, driving, in the villas in the afternoon, generally finishing at the Pincio, where there was music.

Everywhere people were talking of this great man who had given his life to tell the people of Africa about the Saviour.

A boat was lowered, into which nine of the passengers got safely, whilst others lost their lives in attempting to do so.

More than this, he risks his life.

He evidently thought that was not at all sufficient, wanted something more precise, so I said to light as he had been accustomed to when the Duc Decazes and his family were dining alone (which I don't suppose they ever did, nor we either when we once took up our life).

They receive the inspired ideas and spend their lives in teaching them to others: in setting up intellectual vibrations throughout the world.

It is very difficult for any woman, no longer very young, to begin an entirely new life in a perfectly different milieu, and certainly more difficult for a Frenchwoman of the bourgeoisie than any other.

He always seemed to enjoy life, never looked bored, was unfailingly courteous and interested in the people he was talking to.

The one passes his life in ease, abundance, and enjoyment; the other in toil, privation, and care.

She prayed God to spare the young man's life.

"Then suddenly the great idea that was to bring him success, and cost him his life, came to him.

With the people to back himabundant means of his own at | | his disposal, he is devoting his life to this paper, the | | people who support it, the cause it advocates, and the | | principles it defends, without fear, favor, or hope for | | reward.

Of those who have been ready to lay down their lives for the welfare of Great Britain the number is legion.

who, finding there was no way of escape by the staircase, was seeking for some means of preserving the lives of the children in her charge.

"Here die I, Richard Grenville," said he, "with a joyful and quiet mind; for that I have ended my life as a true soldier ought to do, that hath fought for his country, queen, religion and honour.

I was astonished the first years of my married life in France, to see people of certain position and standing give the cold shoulder to men they had known all their lives because they were Republicans, knowing them quite well to be honourable, independent gentlemen, wanting nothing from the Republicmerely trying to do their best for the country.

There was a momentary silence, to which, probably, I owe my life; for, during it, I heard a quick patter of many feet, and, turning sharply, saw a troop of the creatures coming toward me, at a run.

He was reviled as a whimsical Reformer, and a rash Enthusiast, who had absurdly sacrificed his life in a vain and fantastic pursuit.

It seems Mrs. Hale wrote to her for permission to publish a notice of her, and was decidedly refused; another letter met with the same answer, yet she wrote a 'Life' which Miss Dix says is utterly false.

I will say no more, but as you love my Life, and my dearer Honour, get a Divorce, or you will see both ruin'd in Your Diana.

I can not think that a person of your age would wantonly destroy a human life merely to obtain an umbrella.

"In congenial work you will find life, strength, and happiness."

Tell me, in prayer or speech-making, formal or social occasion, pastor or people, do we often bring our very deepest, tenderest, most inspiring emotional or intellectual life?

1693 Verbs to Use for the Word  life