17 Verbs to Use for the Word lineage

And if you trace their own lineage, you will find for some that it is but decent and middle-class, for some that it is mongrelized and miscegenetic, for some that it is proud, ancient, yea perhaps patriarchal.

Instructors had been provided to initiate him in all the arts and pursuits cultivated by the warriors of those days, and even in his twelfth year accounts were forwarded to Pírán of several wonderful feats which he had performed. Then smiled the good old man, and joyful said: "'Tis ever thusthe youth of royal blood Will not disgrace his lineage, but betray By his superior mien and gallant deeds From whence he sprung.

No man on earth possessed a more noble lineage.

But for all this, an appraisal of himself and his own achievements profusely showed high lineage is not invariably a guarantee of excellence; and so he smiled and said: "There are two ends to every stick.

Their kings, who succeed each other hereditarily, pretend to derive their lineage from Alexander and the daughter of Darius, and are called Dulcarlen, which signifies Alexandrians.

He himself had often heard the songs which Montezuma of Tenochtitlan, and Nezahualpizintli of Tezcuco, had ordered to be composed in their own honor, describing their noble lineage, their riches, their grandeur and their victories.

In the light of the oldest records it appears that the Samaritans were able to establish almost as pure a lineage as the Jews.

They blast the lineage of him or her who utters them, for generations up and down.

But we have no sympathy for those who, having no such excuse, having no high lineage, and to whom fortune has not been unkind, stint and screw that they may impose upon their neighbours with the notion that they are better off than they really are,better off in money, and better off in position.

The latter seem as little disposed to inquire out their true lineage as I am.

As the broad skies above, as the sun and moon, and stars, as the winds, the rains, the dews, the birds and bees of heaven over-ride and ignore, in their missions, the boundaries of jealous nations, so all the great activities of agriculture prove their lineage by following the same generous rule.

After I left you, I could plainly see How Cain was of your ancestors: I know You do not shame his lineage, for lo, Your brother's good still seems your injury.

"I would not deign with falsehood's stain my lineage to betray; Tho' for the truth my life, in sooth, should be the price I pay.

" "The lady hath a lineage and riches, and an excellence of person, that might render her of great account in some of these knotty negotiations which so much fetter our movements of late.

He could not interpose to demean his ancient lineage by consenting to this unpatrician alliance; he would not accept the alternative for his only sonthe last of the Giustiniani!

Planters named McCarty, Lynch, O'Neill, Sullivan, Farrell, McDonnell, O'Brien, and others denoting an ancient Irish lineage appear frequently in the early records.

That hope is pastthe storm has ceased to rave My ripening honours wither in the grave; Then let no vengeance on my comrades fall, Mine was the guilt, and mine the sorrow, all; How often have I sought theeoft my mind Figured thee to my sighto'erjoyed to find My mother's token; disappointment came, When thou denied thy lineage and thy name; Oh!

17 Verbs to Use for the Word  lineage