7 Verbs to Use for the Word livin

Angy, I be afraid we'll git the gout a-livin' so high.

Guess yeou'd see a thing or tew, an' find livin' on a log come as handy as ef you was born a turtle.

"What's the use?" was the answer; "they don't tell you nothin', at least not nothin' about how to earn your livin'!" Faith gave up in despair.

I did work an a livin is all I ever got out of it.

"Yes'm I 'members the Civil Wah, 'cause I wuz a-livin' in Christian County whah

You see they're not men that have getten a livin' by idling aforetime; they're workin' men, but they're strange to this job, an' one cannot expect 'em to work like trained honds, no moor than one could expect a lot o' navvies to work weel at factory wark.

Doesn't I know you loss all your trunks on de 'Scusco, an' wasn't you a pore gal, teachin' white folks's chilluns fur a livin' before?

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  livin