5 Verbs to Use for the Word ll

C transposes these two ll. l. 12.

C gives these 2 ll. simply to Citt.

13.There are some wordsas those which come from metal, medal, coral, crystal, argil, axil, cavil, tranquil, pupil, papilin which the classical scholar is apt to violate the analogy of English derivation, by doubling the letter l, because he remembers the ll of their foreign roots, or their foreign correspondents.

In considering this vexatious question about the duplication of l, I was at first inclined to admit that, whenever final l has become single in English by dropping the second l of a foreign root, the word shall resume the ll in all derivatives formed from it by adding a termination beginning with a vowel; as, beryllus, beryl, berylline.

If the variable word control, controul, or controll, is from con and troul or troll, it should be spelled with ll, by Rule 7th, and retain the ll by Rule 6th.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  ll