4 Verbs to Use for the Word logwood

While there, he had the command of a boat employed in bringing logwood to the ship.

The smell of tobacco, copperas, and burning logwood was heavy to clamminess here.

In like manner, if they could be prevailed on to reestablish our right of cutting logwood in the Bay of Campeachy on the footing on which it stood before the treaty of 1763, it would be desirable and not endanger to us any contest with the English, who by the revolution treaty are restrained to the southeastern parts of Yucatan.

This piratical practice had increased to such a degree that scarcely any vessels were safe in those seas; for the Spaniards pretended that wherever they found logwood, cocoa, or pieces of eight on board, the capture was legal.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  logwood