20 Verbs to Use for the Word loue

If sonne you bee to Ioue, as erst ye said, In making loue vnto a mortall maide You work dishonour to your deitie.

The dead body is carried away: The [Sidenote: with her, the] Poysoner Wooes the Queene with Gifts, she [Sidenote: 54] seemes loath and vnwilling awhile, but in the end, [Sidenote: seemes harsh awhile,] accepts his loue.

The Duke my maister is the man I meant, His sonne the Prince, the mayde of meane discent Your selfe, on whom Ascanio so doth doate As for no reason may remoue his thought Your death the Duke determines by vs two, To end the loue betwixt his sonne and you;

You shall see anon how the [Sidenote: in very choice] Murtherer gets the loue of Gonzago's wife.

say, Waking loue suffereth no sleepe; Say, that raging loue dothe appall the weake stomacke; Say, that lamenting loue marreth the musicall.

Mistresse flurt, you mean, Foule strumpet, light a loue, short heeles!

THE BOOK OF CAST ACCOUNTS TO H.L. MENCKEN Consider, faire Miserie, (quoth Manuel) that it lyes not in mans power to place his loue where he list, being the worke of an high Deity.

Pray loue remember: and there is [Sidenote: , pray you loue] Paconcies, that's for Thoughts.

say, Waking loue suffereth no sleepe; Say, that raging loue dothe appall the weake stomacke; Say, that lamenting loue marreth the musicall.

But till that time, [Sidenote: To my name vngord: but all that] I do receiue your offer'd loue like loue, And wil not wrong it.

Giue it an vnderstanding but no tongue; I will requite your loues; so, fare ye

[Footnote 5: Here is a change from the impression conveyed in the first act: he attributes his interference to his care for what befitted royalty; whereas, talking to Ophelia (40, 72), he attributes it entirely to his care for her;so partly in the speech correspondent to the present in 1st Q.: Now since which time, seeing his loue thus cross'd, Which I tooke to be idle, and but sport, He straitway grew into a melancholy,]

[Page 82] When I had seene this hot loue on the wing, As I perceiued it, I must tell you that Before my Daughter told me, what might you Or my deere Maiestie your Queene heere, think, If I had playd the Deske or Table-booke, Or giuen my heart a winking, mute and dumbe, [Sidenote: working] Or look'd vpon this Loue, with idle sight, What might you thinke?

If these and the like doubtes maye be of importaunce, in your seeming, to frustrate any parte of your aduice, I beeseeche you without the leaste selfe loue of your own purpose, councell me for the beste: and the rather doe it faithfullye and carefully, for that, in all things, I attribute so muche to your iudgement, that I am euermore content to adnihilate mine owne determinations in respecte thereof.

Gismond, that whilom liued her fathers ioy, and dyed his death, now dead doeth (as she may) by vs pray you to pitie her anoye; and, to reacquite the same, doeth humbly pray Joue shield yo'r vertuous loues from like decay.

But I will thancke your loue.

Come, go we to the King, This must be knowne, which being kept close might moue More greefe to hide, then hate to vtter loue.

say, Waking loue suffereth no sleepe; Say, that raging loue dothe appall the weake stomacke; Say, that lamenting loue marreth the musicall.

Ye sacred Fyres and powers aboue, Forge of desires, working loue, Cast downe your eye, cast downe your eye, Vpon a Mayde in miserie.

Mais l'ennui me prend dès qu'on me loue.

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  loue