69 Verbs to Use for the Word lunch

The day was warm, and we trudged along leisurely enough, stopping about mid-day to eat our lunch upon a great flat rock near the riverbank.

After I had taken a lunch, General Terry asked me if I would carry some dispatches back to General Whistler, and I replied that I would.

He flung her a whimsical, sidelong glance, as, having finished their lunch, they rose and moved on.

The woman organising against genetic engineering in agriculture will refuse to let her children eat at McDonalds, even if it requires them to bring their own lunch to a friend's birthday party.

" "Let me order lunch up here for both of us, from the restaurant," he suggested.

They carried lunch and would not be back until night-fall.

What's to stop us from taking a look at this League fellowship hour we're invited to, and getting a light lunch?

The man in the corner had not enjoyed his lunch.

It was only with an effort that he could keep himself from rushing to the sergeant then and there, and leaving the house lunch to look after itself.

The wind held steady, requiring no shifting of canvas, so Sam, having dispatched the negro below to prepare lunch, and stationed Carr forward as lookout, called me aft to the wheel.

" VI SEPTEMBER The office of Dwight Herbert Deacon, Dentist, Gold Work a Speciality (sic) in black lettering, and Justice of the Peace in gold, was above a store which had been occupied by one unlucky tenant after another, and had suffered long periods of vacancy when ladies' aid societies served lunches there, under great white signs, badly lettered.

To each of the ten slaves was given a lunch of bread; while both the inhuman buyers and sellers, after chuckling over their bargains, went to offer up their prayers to Heaven, before they took their daily meal.

They set me out a lunch and treated me rather kindly, so that I really began to sympathize with them; for I knew that the soldiers would ransack their house and confiscate everything they could lay their hands on.

"Only this morning I was utterly miserable wondering if you were dead, and here we are having lunch together just like the old days in Chelsea."

" So Susan made cookies and Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes packed their little traveling bags and Bunny packed their lunches in the little baskets.

The dining-room of the hotel smelt decidedly close, so we spread our sumptuous lunch on tables outside; but Jupiter Pluvius soon showed his disapproval of our plans, and forced us to go within, where a fine specimen of a French soldier had done his best to fill the place with smoke.

By the same roundabout route he circled back to his camp, cooked his meager lunch, and in the afternoon ventured forth again.

Once as she and Joe's mother were snatching a lunch together in the kitchen, the elder woman spoke softly: "Myra, you're a great girl!"

He stabled his team with the help of his lantern, and then, going into the comfortable kitchen, he found the lunch the housekeeper had left for him.

The parting remark of his conductor had left a smile upon his lips, which smile still lingered as he asked the sleepy-looking clerk for a room, and intimated that he would like lunch immediately.

"Tell 'em to fetch some lunch!"

I 'll fix ye a lunch, an' ye need n't come back till night.

"You young ladies were kind enough to share your lunch with me one day.

A small cardboard box on the ground next to him was neatly packeda can of soda, a knife, a bag that probably held his lunch.

As to the surgery, with its oilcloth floor and walls made hideous with gaudy insurance show-cards in sham gilt frames, its aspect was so revolting that I flew to the day-book for distraction, and was still busily entering the morning's visits when the bottle-boy, Adolphus, entered stealthily to announce lunch.

69 Verbs to Use for the Word  lunch