10 Verbs to Use for the Word ly

"Oh! Tom," she cried, "is a-ny-thing the matter?" "My knee," groaned Tom, "it hurts aw-ful-ly.

"Squir-rel, squir-rel, I would bound Gai-ly at my sports as you, And, like you, I would be found Care-ful for the fu-ture too." "CON-TRA-RY WINDS" Both Tom and Will had e-qual skill In mak-ing lit-tle boats and ships; They cut a-way a whole half day, And co-vered all the floor with chips.

"Are you going to tell him, Peggy?" "Cer-tain-ly not," rejoined Peggy, with a tightening of her lips.

[Music: Do it hear-ti-ly!]

And this is the prayer and the fond hope of those Who love her most dear-ly of all.

Jo-ey had to pass di-rect-ly by the gar-den wall, and it so hap-pened that his bas-ket was heav-y

See the rip-ples, how they run, Twink-ling bright-ly in the sun; While re-flect-ed we can see Sha-dows of each hill and tree.

And then we need not fear; But when from earth-ly toil we rest, We all shall meet a-mong the blest Who served Him tru-ly here.

Though we never employ as separate words the comparatives norther, souther, easter, wester, we have northerly, southerly, easterly, and westerly, which seem to have been formed from such comparatives, by adding ly; and these four may be compared by the adverbs more and most, or less and least: as, "These hills give us a view of the most easterly, southerly, and westerly parts of England.

A lit-tle maid weeps pit-e-ous-ly, In dire dis-tress de-mand-ing aid; Her pre-cious ball is up a tree, And ev-ery boy shrinks back a-fraid.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  ly