6 Verbs to Use for the Word lyceum

In this country, we have known grave professors to refuse to address lyceums which thought fit to employ an occasional female lecturer.

The artists all loved the Lyceum, not only the old school, but the young ones, who could have been excused for thinking that Henry Irving and I were a couple of old fogeys!

He opened our lyceum as if it had been an oyster, without any regard for the feelings of those inside.

He broke down the traditional non-committalism of the lecture-room, and oxygenated all the lyceums of the land.

Those who only saw the Lyceum after its renovation in 1881 do not realize perhaps that before that date it was decorated in dull gold and dark crimson, and had funny boxes with high fronts like old-fashioned church pews.

So you lose your temper, and come out in an article which you think is going to finish "Ananias," proving him a booby who doesn't know enough to understand even a lyceum-lecture, or else a person that tells lies.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  lyceum