307 Verbs to Use for the Word maids

Dear Moxon,The snows are ankle-deep, slush, and mire, that 't is hard to get to the post-office, and cruel to send the maid out.

Why are not armies sent to break these prison bars, and bring Back to her home the Moorish maid, the favorite of the King? A maid whose eyes are changed to springs whence flow the flood of tears, For she thinks of thee and weeps for thee through all these absent years.

What a wild improbable banter I put upon you, some three years since of Will Weatherall having married a servant-maid!

To die an old maid.

And now you must excuse me, for I am leaving for the Ullwethers' to-day, and I shan't ever be invited to Matocton again, and I must tell my maid to pack up.

The Younger Brother (1696), Act v, the last scene, old Lady Youthly anxiously asks her maid, 'is not this Tour too brown?'

Before Hamlet fell into the melancholy way which has been related, he had dearly loved a fair maid called Ophelia, the daughter of Polonius, the king's chief counsellor in affairs of state.

You do not recognize the description as that of any man you have ever seen in company with your late maid, Miss Lennard?" "I never saw my maid in any man's company," replied Celia.

It is the same necessity which makes a mistress dismiss her maid on the score of a broken teapot, though really she has no end of secret grievances against her; or which makes the man of science condense the endless complexity of certain physical phenomena into a neat but lying formula which he calls a Law of Nature.

" Eve, on this expressed approbation, met her maid at the door, as she came to announce that Mademoiselle de Cortlandt was in the library, and descended slowly to meet her.

He had been led to renew his intercourse with the Seguins, of whom he had for a time lost sight; and, much to his surprise, he had found Valentine's former maid, Celeste, in the Avenue d'Antin once more.

And many the laws they passed that day; And among them a law that said That the lover who took a maid for his love The maid of his choice must wed; And he who broke this ordinance Should pay for it with his head.

The lady called her maids about her, had her old nurse conveyed to bed, where every means were used to restore animation.

"Couldn't even wait till my back was turned, but must kiss the maid under my nose!"

Quite upset at seeing her in this condition, having little strength himself, Morange wished to summon her maid.

"So, Beltane," quoth she at last, "being young and cruel thou did'st leave the Duchess a lonely maid.

I never knew a maid That could withstand it.

To this man, who had been brought up in Italy and had been with him on campaigns, Caesar gave the maid and her ancestral kingdom, and he granted them the lives of Alexander and Ptolemy.

Now as he was busied thus, came the maid Mellent, very pale 'neath her long black hair, and spake him low-voiced and humble: "My lord Beltane, thou, at peril of thy body, hath saved to-day a sorrowful maid from the fiery torment.

But if ye plaze, would ye be lookin' over these recommends av minethey're from furrinersand if yez be havin' ony friends who be wanting a maid and yez might be so good as to recommind me, I'd be thankin' of yez, for it's wurrk I wants.'

No need for Blanch her history to tell, Whoever saw her face, they there did read it well; But when I look on thee, I only know There lived a pretty maid some hundred years ago," This is a little unfair, to tell so much about ourselves, and to advert so little to your letter, so full of comfortable tidings of you all But my own cares press pretty close upon me, and you can make allowance.

yet do we feel the imagination at all violated when we read the "true ballad," where King Cophetua wooes the beggar maid? Pauperism, pauper, poor man, are expressions of pity, but pity alloyed with contempt.

Julia, angry that her maid should thus take the liberty of seeming to know what she really wanted, tore the letter in pieces, and threw it on the floor, ordering her maid once more out of the room.

When Gúrd-afríd, a peerless warrior-dame, Heard of the conflict, and the hero's shame, Groans heaved her breast, and tears of anger flowed, Her tulip cheek with deeper crimson glowed; Speedful, in arms magnificent arrayed, A foaming palfrey bore the martial maid; The burnished mail her tender limbs embraced, Beneath her helm her clustering locks she placed; Poised in her hand an iron javelin gleamed,

Soon afterwards another band of robbers arrived, carrying a young and lovely maid arrayed as a bride.

307 Verbs to Use for the Word  maids