27 Verbs to Use for the Word mains

Il étoit de Famagouste, et en avoit été banni, parce qu'avec un de ses frères il avoit tenté de remettre dans les mains du roi cette ville, qui étoit dans celles des Génois.

"'Her timbers yet are sound, And she may float again, Full charged with England's thunder, And plough the distant main. "'But Kempenfeldt is gone, His victories are o'er; And he and his eight hundred Shall plough the main no more!" MRS.

" "THE STORMY PETREL." Where the gray crags beat back the northern main, And all around, the ever restless waves, Like white sea-wolves, howl on the lonely sands, Clings a low roof, close by the sounding surge.

It ran down what is now Sacramento Street, and you ought to know enough about the fire to realize that we couldn't use our fire hose, because the earthquake broke the water mains.

" Which may be liberally rendered thus: When sea-faring Neptune saw Venice well-founded And stiffly coercing the Adrian main, The jolly tar cried, in a rapture unbounded: "Why, dash my eyes, Jove, but I have you again; You may boast of your city, and Mars of his walling;

When I, in confidence and pride, Had crossed the Atlantic main.

Loin des méchans, du bruit, des tempêtes du monde, Sous un simple berceau dont la treille est féconde, Sous un modeste toît, dans de rians jardins, Dessinés, élevés, cultivés par mes mains....

Or seeks his wat'ring in the well-known flood, To quench his thirst, and cool his fiery blood: He swims luxuriant in the liquid plain; And o'er his shoulders flows his waving main.

He would follow the water-mains, creeping along streets, picking out and punishing a house here and a house there where they did not boil their drinking-water, creeping into the wells of the mineral water makers, getting washed into salad, and lying dormant in ices.

'Oh came you off the isles of Greece, Or off the banks of Seine; Or off some tree in forests free, Which fringe the western main?'

He heeded not the sweep Of the swift gale that lashed the troubled main, And spread with showery foam the watery plain.

The washer is an appliance intended to condense and clean gas, which, on leaving the hydraulic main, holds in suspension a great many properties that are injurious to its illuminating power, and cannot, if retained, be turned to profitable account.

En bas, sous une brume épaisse, cette sphère Rampait, monde lugubre les pâles humains Passaient et s'écroulaient et se tordaient les mains.

So the gay pamper'd steed with loosen'd reins, Breaks from the stall, and pours along the plains; With large smooth strokes he rushes to the flood, Bathes his bright sides, and cools his fiery blood; Neighs as he flies, and tossing high his head, Snuffs the fair females in the distant mead; At every motion o'er his neck reclin'd, Plays his redundant main, and dances in the wind.

She meant to say, "Messieurs, je viens remettre entre vos mains l'épouse et la famille de votre souverain.

Le rusé paysan pria le bourgmestre de lui donner sa décision par écrit, et dès qu'il eut l'écrit entre les mains, une mouche vint lui fournir l'occasion de faire repentir le juge de sa mauvaise plaisanterie.

This is the ship of pearl, which, poets feign, Sailed the unshadowed main, The venturous bark that flings On the sweet summer wind its purpled wings In gulfs enchanted, where the Siren sings, And coral reefs lie bare, Where the cold sea-maids rise to sun their streaming hair.

XXXVIII "Peaceful as this immeasurable plain Is now, by beams of dawning light imprest, 335 In the calm sunshine slept the glittering main; The very ocean hath its hour of rest.

Elles se sont lavé les mains.

On m'a dit même que le soudan a entre les mains son fils, et qu'il n'ose le laisser retourner en Turcomanie.

"Monster fishes swam the silent main; Stately forests waved their giant branches, Mountains hurled their snowy avalanches Mammoth creatures stalked across the plain; Nature revelled in grand mysteries,

Ne vous amusez pas à chanter en vous mesme, si vous ne vous rencontrez si fort à l'écart qu'aucun autre ne vous puisse entendre, non plus qu'à contre-faire le son du tambour par l'agitation des pieds ou des mains.

Et le marquis, parlant aux femmes, leur prenait Les vêtements des mains.

Celui qui veut les acheter ne voit d'eux que le visage et les mains, et un peu le bras des femmes.

1 Clouds do not always veil the skies, Nor showers immerse the verdant plain; Nor do the billows always rise, Or storms afflict the ruffled main.

27 Verbs to Use for the Word  mains