10 Verbs to Use for the Word maister

Tell me the thing ye want most i' a' the earth, an' if it's in my means ye shall have it the day ye gie me the thing I want maist i' the whole earth.

The things we enjoy the maist are not those that are gi'e'n to us; they're those that, when we look at, mean weeks or months or maybe years of work.

When you've given maist of the best years of your life to the public you come to ken it well.

Well, you haue wicked maisters, that teach such little Boyes to sweare so young.

"He kens maist aboot the job, sin' he had t' mend t' lade when Hayes refused.

She dressed maist as plain as a Quakeress, but was a pattern o' neatness.

I forgot a' that I culd mind maist.

It was he who was responsible for the calamity that overtook the worldand that will mak' him suffer maist of all in the end, as is but just and richt.

But what vexed me maist was to think that she wad be gaun to ae place o' public worship on the Sabbath, and me to anither, just like twa strangers; and maybe if her minister preached half an hour langer than mine, or mine half an hour langer than hers, or when we had nae intermission, then there was the denner spoiled, and the servant no kenned what time to hae it ready; for the mistress said ane o'clock, and the maister said twa o'clock.

""Oh, Sir, maybe," replied the Highlander, "you are a countryman, and ken my maister, Captain Cameron, of the 79th, and could tell me where he lodges.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  maister