8 Verbs to Use for the Word makeshifts

It has doubtless been fostered by the conditions which in so many cases have made it absolutely necessary to adopt temporary makeshifts.

Reaching the square, they turned to cross a makeshift bridgebeside one of stone that had spanned the little river but now lay broken in its shallow bed.

But their consorts are denied these makeshifts; and love may rationally be defined as the pivot of each normal woman's life, and in consequence as the arbiter of that ensuing life which is eternal.

With stiff hands they tried to improvise a makeshift with a stick of birch and some string.

Jack and Dade dismounted and helped Jerry unload the logs from the wagon, for one thing; while Teresita inspected Mrs. Jerry's ingenious domestic makeshifts and managed somehow, with Mrs. Jerry's help, to make the bond of mutual liking serve very well in the place of intelligible speech.

"I've turned too many dresses of my own not to recognize makeshifts when I see them.

She might even have had a regular schoolhouse to teach in, instead of being compelled to use a makeshift such as this.

Women, after all, he assured himself, were necessary for the perpetuation of the species; and, resolving for the future to view these weakly, big-hipped and slope-shouldered makeshifts of Nature's with larger tolerance, he cocked his hat at a devil-may-carish angle, and strode up the walk, whistling jauntily and having, it must be confessed, to the unprejudiced observer very much the air of a sheep in wolf's clothing.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  makeshifts