4 Verbs to Use for the Word malpractice

He sat daily on the judgment seat to dispense justice to all who chose to appeal to him, and, like the famous Harun-al-Rashid, he would at times put on disguises and wander unattended among the people, to keep himself informed of their real condition and to check the malpractices of his officials.

" "Surely," said Eustachio, "provided always that the servant is a man of exemplary character, and that he presumes not upon his lord's withdrawal to another sphere, trusting thereby to commit malpractices with impunity, but doth, on the contrary, deport himself as ever in his great taskmaster's eye.

[Footnote 88: Correspondence imputing malpractices to N.P. Trust, American consul at Havana, in regard to granting papers to vessels engaged in the slave trade, etc.] WASHINGTON, January 19, 1841.

" "If my life be but spared, most gracious Prince," said the scrivener, falling on his knees, and clasping his hands together in supplication, "I will reveal all I know touching the malpractices of these two persons.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  malpractice