2802 Verbs to Use for the Word man

You see he swore in the Senate that he beheld Drusilla mounting heavenwards, and all he got for his good news was that everybody gave him the lie: since when he solemnly swears he will never bear witness again to what he has seen, not even if he had seen a man murdered in open market.

"Besides, I know my man.

i, 17] Claudius was delighted to find literary men up there, and began to hope there might be some corner for his own historical works.

Would you have me kill the man with questions?" He left them to look at the body of the bo's'n's mate.

Representative men of ability, health, culture, and courage are being chosen to carry on governmental work: it is idle to send provincial men to the Church.

To-day, he must gain much of his training from the great life of the worldlearn how to meet men and occasions, and be prepared to deal with modern forces and energies with courage, knowledge, and decision.

We confided all these plans to the duchesse, but she was quite put out with us, wouldn't bring the young man nor tell us his name.

When we had music or danced at our house, we used to tell some well-known man to say "on danse chez Madame King ce soir."

You shall never marry another man while I live.

There is a young woman in it who loves a man, and there is another woman who also loves him, and another man who loves the first woman, and meddles and mars as though he were a professional philanthropist.

Henrietta and I were very anxious to see the ceremony at the Elysee, and asked Mollard, Introducteur des Ambassadeurs and chef du Protocolea most important man on all official occasions, if he couldn't put us somewhere in a corner, where we could see, without taking any part.

I left the men, very reluctant, and ascended a natural trail to a high sloping down over which blew the great Trades.

] "It took four men and a policeman to hold her, and get her locked up in her room, she was that set on tearing the Dwarf into small pieces, and she'd have done it too, if she could have got at him.

The tremendous heat of the country during the summer terribly thinned the ranks of his forces, and he lost over 400 men in eighteen months.

Their individual value, as they go out into the world, is to set right values on social customs and decrees; to establish the law of freedom in the home; to lead men and women out of the thraldom of ignorance, vulgarity, hearsay, and "style," into simplicity of living and a sane scale of household expense.

From there down we found the river at times quite deep, and in order to carry the wounded man along with us we constructed a raft of poles for his accommodation, and in this way he was transported.

He immediately ordered his young men to give me back my arms, and scolded them for what they had done.

The Superintendent and several of the day gang got the wounded man into bed.

I abandoned the idea of following their trail in this immediate locality, so calling my men together, I told them that we would ride out for about five miles and make a complete circuit about the place, and in this way we would certainly find the trail on which they had moved out.

In Sir Andrew Clark men felt that he wished to do them good, and to do them the best good, by making men of them.

" By-and-by, in spite of the limited English of the community, certain facts stood out: that Peetka held the white man in avowed detestation, that he was the leading spirit of the place, that they had all been suffering from a tobacco famine, and that much might be done by a judicious use of Black Jack and Long Green.

Since that time, no one, save the man whom they had chartered to bring over monthly supplies of necessaries from Ardrahan, had ever seen either of them: and him, none had ever induced to talk; evidently, he had been well paid for his trouble.

Bud I want goot men, who will stay, and who will keep the mouth shut.

'Hospital!' cried the sick man, and then he too burst out into that furious laugh, the most awful sound I ever had heard.

With regard to them his point of view was entirely that of vanity, and in fact he only liked both men or women who made up to him, or who gave him the impression that they did.

2802 Verbs to Use for the Word  man