6 Verbs to Use for the Word marchants

These two gallions are laden for the king, neither doe they carie any particular mans goods, sauing the portage of the Mariners and souldiers, and for this cause they are not voiages for marchants, because that going thither, they shal not haue where to lade their goods of returne; and besides this, the captaine wil not cary any marchants for either of these two places.

Hither to Iamahey come many marchants out of China, and bring great store of muske, golde, siluer, and many other things of China worke.

And diuers other Marchants are likewise determined to enter into the same action.

In tyme may prove a noble marchant? Clowne.

because in the night they cannot go, but must make them fast to the banks of the riuer, and then we must make a very good and strong guard, and be wel prouided of armor, for respect and safegard of our goods, because the number of theeues is great that come to spoile and rob the marchants.

Such followers as thou, that would repayre A broken state by service, may be lyckned To shypwrackt marchants that will rather seeke To catche a rotten board or to be cast Uppon some frozen Ile then perish quycklie.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  marchants