6 Verbs to Use for the Word matchboxes

" He took a sip from the tumbler, opened a matchbox and took out a match, but apparently altering his mind, laid it down and commenced: "The unfortunate affair which has brought you here to-night, had its origin ten years ago.

Stooping down behind the others, he pulled out a matchbox from his pocket, struck a light, and applied it to the muslin curtains which hung before the window.

She is the person who bought the matchbox!"

After what seemed five minutes he found the matchbox and struck a light, and all the time the torrent of sound poured about his ears with such an effect of bewilderment that he hardly realized what he was doing.

With dashes of terror shooting through him like spears of ice, he grabbed the matchbox, and after a frenzied entanglement again with sheets and pillow-case, succeeded in breaking four matches in quick succession.

She smiled in answer, and picked up the matchbox.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  matchboxes