7 Verbs to Use for the Word mattock

and forth into the light came one clad as a white friara tall man and slender, and upon his shoulder he bare a mattock that gleamed beneath the moon.

Quatremain called to his assistants to bring their mattocks and the iron bar.

The Countryman heard an outcry, and perceiving what the matter was, catched up a mattock and soon dispatched him; upbraiding him at the same time in these words:"Is this, vile wretch, the reward you make to him that saved your life?

Nero himself thereupon grasped a mattock and by throwing up some of the soil fairly compelled the rest to imitate him.

"I hear the mattock in the mine, The ax-stroke in the dell, The clamor from the Indian lodge, The Jesuits' chapel bell!

The old sexton, too, who from time immemorial, had been "The maker of the dead man's bed," has laid down his mattock and his spade, and filled a grave prepared by other hands.

If two whole days beyond the garden pale You were to leave the mattock and the spade

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  mattock