386 Verbs to Use for the Word meanings

They understood our meaning, and started on the trail, with a loud and cheerful cry.

And so the days pass on, and I am still filled with a wonder to know the meaning of all that I saw on that memorable night.

"Well, I rather think I have," coolly replied the stranger, whose words conveyed a double meaning, as we soon learned.

Neither Thursday nor Hetty allowed a word to escape concerning the placing of the bomb in the Tribune office, but the explosion was public knowledge and many were bothering their heads to explain its meaning.

" Scholars will tell you that the words "take no thought" do not exactly express our Lord's meaning in this text.

Those were the early days of Methodism, when Whitefield and Wesley were preaching the Gospel, and giving it a new meaning to the multitude.

It is our object to make this background as rich and full and orderly as possible, so that whatever is brought to the focus of consciousness shall be set in a relational background, which shall give it meaning; and so that our pupils may be able to feel the truth which Browning puts into the mouth of Fra Lippo Lippi: This world's no blot for us Nor blank; it means intensely and means good: To find its meaning is my meat and drink.

"Now, Dick, there's no time to ask the meaning of your miraculous doings.

" Fan Ch'i did not quite grasp his meaning.

He seemed to comprehend my meaning.

But he opened his eyes, and seemed to read at a glance the meaning of Orme's set face.

The German officer overheard this remark, although he perhaps did not catch the exact meaning.

Between these two comes what Froebel called the Transition or Connecting Class, in which the child learns the meaning of the signs which stand for speech, and those which make calculation less arduous for weak memories.

" She took his meaning.

with all my soul, Sir; alas, you mistake my honest meaning, I scorn to be so unjust as not to see you a-bed together; and then agree as well as you can, I have done my partIn order to this, Sirget but your self conveyed in a Chest to my house, with a Direction upon't for me; and for the rest Gay.

" "Then will you tell me the meaning of this?" continued the head-master, holding up the cipher note.

The text and the drift of the sermon I have forgotten, save the little fragment that fixed itself in my memory by the singularity of the figure by which he illustrated his meaning.

"The river is broken up and Arthur is on the island," said she, in a fearfully suppressed tone, and, swifter than I could think or guess her meaning, she had reached the timber, she was on it,and with light, untrembling steps half across, when both she and I simultaneously caught sight of Mr. Waring running for dear life to the other and stronger bridge.

"To peel a fig, so far as we are concerned," writes Mr. Hazlitt, "can have no significance, except that we should not regard it as a friendly service; but, in fact, the proverb is merely a translation from the Spanish, and in that language and country the phrase carries a very full meaning, as no one would probably like to eat a fig without being sure that the fruit had not been tampered with.

And since I am talking of early recollections, I don't know why I shouldn't mention some others that still cling to me,not that you will attach any very particular meaning to these same images so full of significance to me, but that you will find something parallel to them in your own memory.

If we discover why he must go away, we shall discover the meaning of that great caste-line which has long been drawn, and ought no longer to be drawn, between trade and letters, trade and the Church, trade and social prestige.

And it seemed as though the image began to say some words to her, disconnected words, not making a sentence, but yet having for the image a pregnant meaning, and seeming to herthough vaguely and very dimlyto be the key to what she had to understand.

How they have lost their fundamental meaning will be intelligible to you if you have in ordering something been told that it would be delivered "right away," or in calling for a girl have been told that she would be down "in a minute.

One glance around was sufficient to teach him the meaning of the silence.

" "No, not to France," he answered, and I knew he saw my meaning.

386 Verbs to Use for the Word  meanings